[ANSWER]Social Determinants: Social Determinants/Issues of Uninsured Patients and Their Medication Compliance Rates.

Medication Compliance Rates


Topic: Social determinants/issues of uninsured patients and their medication compliance rates.

Description: Research and review the history of this issue and how it came about. Analyze the sociopolitical forces that played a role in the development and the perpetuation or abating of this issue. Analyze the effects of this issue on the health care of a particular community or region. Incorporating tenets of a selected nursing theory, specifically describe how nursing care may or may not be affected in a particular community or region. Interview a government official (national, regional, or local) whose constituents live in the affected community. Get his/her stance on the issue. Detail any activity the official has taken on the issue. Propose a remedy for the issue. Remedy should be detailed, specific.


There are several sociopolitical forces behind lack of insurance or underinsurance of patients and low medication compliance rates. These forces include income and wealth, education, employment, social status, and ethnicity. Income inequality undoubtedly has an inverse proportionality with good health. People with relatively higher income can not only take comprehensive insurance covers, but also afford most of the medication and treatments unlike their low-income counterparts. It is important to note that most of these inequalities are catalyzed by political factor concerning poor or discriminative policies in the associated areas. Level of education is also directly related to the nature of care one receives.

In particular, education is a major factor in employment and, therefore, higher income and proper knowledge required in understanding the health system and accessing quality care. Most low-income population, for one, do not get access to quality education which translates to their high risk of not accessing health benefits like insurance or even all the medications needed at one point.

Among all the sociopolitical factors affecting access to healthcare, education plays a pivotal role. Employment, as a factor, is related to lack of insurance and Medication Compliance Rates in a variety of ways. Apart from determining the amount of income one receives and their ability to afford insurance and medication,…[Buy Full Answer for Just USD 9: 2131 WORDS] Go Home Page…..


Type: Essay

Word Count: 2131

Grade/Mark: 86 (Distinction)