[ANSWER]Professional Code of Conduct:Medical Professional Codes of Conducts
Midterm Paper
Topic of the Midterm -Medical Professional Codes of Conduct
Using their respective professional code of conduct, students will develop a 3-5 page paper identifying the principles of ethics contained within their Medical Professional Codes. They will analyze and explain those principles in light of the readings and discussions covered in class.
They will write, in their own words, what their responsibilities towards their patients are from an ethical perspective and will indicate any conflict of interest. If applicable, the student will describe what procedures are already in place in their workplace to handle ethical conflict. If no procedures are in place, the students may suggest how such procedures may be set up. Please see the Assignment box for more detailed instructions.
The Code of conduct that I want to use is Consideration of patient’s interest. In few words is to have consideration for the patient by allow them patient to participate in their plan of care .Respecting their wishes.
Justice. Surprisingly, the principle or moral conducts do not suffice for a comprehensive and coherent medical care system. An organization without sound medical care principles, have a larger number of unprotected patients and they need to give weight to justice and utility. This is the hardest part of them all. The question of justice is still a puzzle in today’s word, having a universal theory of justice that factors diverse perception in the field is controversial and hard to attain. To maintain justice to patients, professionals must consider rights, obligation, competing for needs….[Buy Full Answer for Just USD 9: 934 WORDS]
[SOLUTION DESCRIPTION Medical Professional Codes]
Type: Essay
Word Count: 934
Grade/Mark: 84 (Distinction)