[ANSWER] Master_s Prepared Nurse Leaders

Master_s Prepared Nurse Leaders

TASK DESCRIPTION about Master_s prepared nurse leaders


There are key competencies, attributes and skills that are essential to effective management of a clinical setting. Master_s Prepared Nurse Leaders While some are related to the individuals talents, many require development and training for the manger to be effective. Just like entry into any new role, the managers introduction, orientation and development are keys to their success.

Follow these instructions for the assignment.

Use the Scoring Rubric for this assignment as a guide for writing your paper.

Case Study:

You are Director of a large patient care service in a metropolitan area. You have just recruited a new manager for a large patient care department. You want to make sure that this new manager has a successful launch into the new role. The manager has one year prior experience as a manger and 3 years as a staff Master_s Prepared Nurse Leaders.


Select and briefly describe the type of unit or department where this new manager will work.

1.Plan (40%)

Develop a plan for orienting and supporting this new manager in their role. Please include the following elements in the plan and support them with evidence from the literature:

Determine the resources you will utilize for developing the orientation plan.

Identify the 5 most important competencies for this manager.

Describe how you will develop the identified competencies in the new manager.

2. Support (40%)

Explain what you will encourage the new manager to do to be successful in the role.

Describe the role you can play in developing resilience and encouraging work-life balance for the manager.

Highlight the one most important thing that you can do to support the success of this manager?

Validate how you will assess the manager.

3. Integration of evidence and theory (10%)

Integrate credible, relevant sources to support ideas appropriate for the assignment.

Consistently use information in ways that are true to original context. Always distinguish between own ideas or common knowledge and ideas requiring attribution.

Scholarly articles integrated within the paper meet the following standards:

Provide the required number of references (minimum of 5)

Most nursing-specific or nursing-related

Provide the required number of references from a discipline outside nursing (minimum of 1).

Published within 5 years OR published beyond 5 years if seminal source or gap in the literature

4. Organization, writing style, grammar, usage, mechanics, and formatting (10%) Master_s Prepared Nurse Leaders

Follow APA Guidelines for title page, abstract, headings and subheadings, citations, and references.

The presentation and style of the paper are consistent with scholarly work and reflect use of APA format (6th ed.) Page length: 5 pages

Use clear structure as outlined in the assignment with all components present, including brief and succinct abstract, introduction, and conclusion.

Use straightforward, clear, concise, nearly error-free language that conveys meaning to readers.

Conform to APA formatting standards, with only minor deviations.

Master_s Prepared Nurse Leaders.

[ANSWER PREVIEW of Master_s Prepared Nurse Leaders]

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