[ANSWER]HSNS363 Assessment 2: Liam’s Case Study
[ANSWER PREVIEW]His mother, Erica, reports that he has lately become depressed: he has become socially Liam’s Case Study withdrawn
For secondary care, the paediatric rheumatologist, the paediatrician, the physiotherapist and the counsellor will play critical roles in the achievement of the Liam’s care goals. Liam was diagnosed with juvenile Liam’s Case Study idiopathic arthritis (JIA) at the age of 8. This explains the need for access to a paediatric rheumatologist. He will be visiting the rheumatology clinic in Sydney on a monthly basis. Liam will need access to a paediatrician because he was diagnosed with asthma at the age of 10.
He will be visiting the paediatric clinic on a quarterly basis to ensure review and adjustment, if necessary, of his asthma management plan. Liam’s access to a local physiotherapist is necessitated by his arthritic condition Liam’s Case Study. For JIA patients, physiotherapy helps in reducing pain and stiffness in joints and muscles, ultimately avoiding or minimising the risk of damage to these parts in the long-term (Spamer et al., 2012). Additionally, Liam experienced a fracture on his right hand during a cycling event 3 years ago, which has exacerbated pain in his right wrist. This further necessitates regular physiotherapy.
Liam will be visiting the local physiotherapist fortnightly. Liam will need access to a paediatric counsellor due to the psychosocial symptoms he has been exhibiting recently. His mother, Erica, reports that he has lately become depressed: he has become socially Liam’s Case Study withdrawn; when at home he spends most of his time in his room playing video games; and is increasingly less independent when it comes to complying with his JIA and…[Buy Full Answer for Just USD 9: 2457 WORDS]
Type: Essay
Word Count: 2457
Grade/Mark: 95 (Distinction)