[ANSWER]NUR2204 Clinical Skills for Practice B: Laboratory Skills Assessment 2
TASK DESCRIPTION ON Laboratory Skills Assessment
Course | NUR2204: Clinical Skills for Practice B |
Brief task description | Write your responses to the six (6) questions below, following Gibbs Reflective Cycle (Gibbs, 1988). The reflective questions are based on your personal view of managing medications as a future registered nurse. You will add your reflective responses to your WordPress Portfolio, which is on StudyDesk. |
Rationale for assessment task | This assessment provides you with guidance on thinking at a deep level about the role you will have as a registered nurse when managing medications for other people. Using Gibbs Reflective Cycle (1988) as your guide, the six step process helps you to structure your thoughts and make sense of your feelings, values, and beliefs, as well as identifying strengths you can draw on and weaknesses to work on. As a registered nurse, you will be responsible and accountable for managing medications. Errors can lead to poor outcomes for your patients/residents and for the nurse involved. Reflection on practice is a component of every nursing governance. [Laboratory Skills Assessment] |
Due Date | Any time before Friday 20th October 2023 (cut off time 2359 hrs Brisbane time). |
Length | 250 +/-10% words per section (1500 +/-10% words in total) |
Marks out of: Weighting: | Marked out of 40 Total weighting toward final grade = 40% |
Course Objectives measured | Course Learning Outcome 1. Apply critical thinking and clinical reasoning skills in the assessment, planning, management, evaluation, and education of individuals experiencing renal, gastrointestinal, integumentary, reproductive, and neurological dysfunction using a culturally safe, person-centred approach, and for the end of life, palliative care and cancer individuals. 2. Apply psychomotor clinical skills learnt in the simulated environment using a variety of case studies. 3. Communicate proficiently and in a professional manner as a member of the interdisciplinary health care team. 4. Recognise and respond to the deteriorating patient in the simulated clinical environment. 5. Prepare and administer medications via a variety of routes in the simulated clinical environment, through the application of medication management principles and accurate medication calculations. |
Task Information [Laboratory Skills Assessment] – What you must do. | |
Task Details | Following the six (6) stages of Gibbs Reflective Cycle (1988) answer the following questions by reflecting on your thoughts about managing medications for other people. * Description – In your opinion, what role does the registered nurse (RN) have in medication management? (recall the medication management cycle). – Who does the RN manage medications for (stakeholders)? – In your opinion, what could distract you when you are managing medications? * Feelings and values – How do you feel, and what do you think, about being responsible and accountable for medication management as a RN? – Recall your personal and professional values. Are there any conflicts between your personal values and your professional values when managing medications for others (eg. if you are against certain immunisations but professionally you must administer them) * Evaluation – In your opinion, what are the key issues identified from the first two stages? What does the literature say about them? – What are your strengths that will help you to address the identified issues? – What are the weaknesses you need to work on? * Analysis – What do you need to do to maximise your strengths? What does the literature suggest? – What do you need to do to work on your weaknesses? What does the literature suggest? * Conclusion – How do you feel about managing medications now that you have worked through the stages above? – What did you learn that you did not know before? * Action Plan – What is your plan for becoming a safe medication management practitioner? In other words, what are your strategies both immediate and longer term? You must used a minimum of six (6) contemporary reference sources to support what you are saying. All intext references and the reference list at the end must be in APA7 referencing style. |
Resources available to complete task | A learning support pdf has been put together on Reflective thinking and writing using Gibbs Reflective Cycle. This can be found under the Assessment 2 tab on your StudyDesk. Support for academic writing (and referencing) is available from the Learning Advisor and Liaison Librarian, you can find information and contact them via their site: Study and Research Support for Health & Community students |
Presentation and Submission information [Laboratory Skills Assessment] | |
Writing & formatting requirements | Writing Requirements: * You will write this reflective assessment in FIRST person. * Use headings for each section (HINT: use the Gibbs Reflective Cycle section titles as your headings). Formatting Requirements: * Microsoft Word document * Double line spacing * Font size 12 point * Font style Times New Roman |
Referencing/ citations | * For this assessment you will use APA 7th referencing style. * In text citations: You must include intext citations in the body of your work. Each new point or piece of evidence must be attributed (via in-text citation) to the source. Remember – each intext reference only covers the one sentence it is attached to. * Reference list must include at least six (6) references made up of scholarly sources that are less than six years old and/or nursing governances that support what you are saying. |
Submission | What you need to submit: * Upload one Microsoft Word document to the Reflection on Medication Management Drop Box under Assessment 2 (so that it goes through Turnitin) * Save your document with the following naming convention: surname_initialORstudentnumber_coursecode_A2.doc/docx eg: Jones_J_A2_NUR2204.doc * No coversheet but footer must include course code and name, semester and year, assignment title, student name, student number * Do not include the marking criteria sheet AND * Copy and pasted your completed assessment responses into your personal WordPress Portfolio on your NUR2204 Study Desk. |
Marking & Moderation | * This task will be marked against the marking criteria that is available at the end of this document. * All staff who are assessing your work meet to discuss and compare grading decisions before marks or grades are finalised. |
Academic Integrity & Misconduct | Students should be familiar with, and abide by, USQ’s policy on Academic Integrity and the definition of Academic Misconduct . Penalties apply to students found to have breached these policies & procedures. |
Assessment Policies & procedures | Information and links regarding USQ’s assessment policy/ procedure; extensions and late submissions; academic integrity & misconduct and marking are found on your course StudyDesk Assessment page. Note on Late submission & extensions: Applications for an extension of time will only be considered if received in accordance with the UniSQ Assessment procedure and the Assessment of Compassionate and Compelling Circumstances Procedure. Refer to the links on StudyDesk for copies of these procedures. |
Laboratory Skills Assessment 2: Reflection – Marking Rubric. Student name:
5 | 4.5 – 4 | 3.5 | 3 – 2.5 | 2 – 0 | |
Stage 1 – Description (5 marks) | Very clear and accurate description of the RNs role in medication management and who the stakeholder is. | Clear and mostly accurate description of the RNs role in medication management and who the stakeholder is. | Adequate and mostly accurate description of the RNs role in medication management and who the stakeholder is. | Attempt at describing the role of the RN in medication management and who the stakeholder is. | Limited or no attempt at describing the role of the RN medication management and who the stakeholder is. |
5 | 4.5 – 4 | 3.5 | 3 – 2.5 | 2 – 0 | |
Stage 2 – Feelings and thoughts (5 marks) | Highly relevant, very clear, and concise description of own thoughts and feelings in relation to being an RN responsible and accountable for medication management. | Relevant, clear, and mostly concise description of own thoughts and feelings in relation to being an RN responsible and accountable for medication management. | Adequate description of own thoughts and feelings in relation to being an RN responsible and accountable for medication management. | An attempt has been made to describe own thoughts and feelings in relation to being an RN responsible and accountable for medication management, but minimal details have been given. | Limited or no attempt has been made to describe own thoughts and feelings in relation to being an RN responsible and accountable for medication management. |
5 | 4.5 – 4 | 3.5 | 3 – 2.5 | 2 – 0 | |
Stage 3 – Evaluation (5 marks) | Highly relevant, very clear and concise evaluation of the key issues identified. Very clear and concise exploration of personal values and beliefs that contribute to thoughts and feelings. Highly relevant strengths and weaknesses identified. | Relevant, clear and mostly concise evaluation of the key issues identified. Clear and concise exploration of personal values and beliefs that contribute to thoughts and feelings. Relevant strengths and weaknesses identified. | Adequate evaluation of the key issues identified. Adequate exploration of personal values and beliefs that contribute to thoughts and feelings.Adequate strengths and weaknesses identified. | A general evaluation with limited details of the key issues identified. An attempt has been made to explore personal values and beliefs that contribute to thoughts and feelings. An attempt has been made to identify strengths and weaknesses, but generic at times. | Limited or no evaluation of the key issues identified. Limited or no exploration of personal values and beliefs that contribute to thoughts and feelings. Limited or no strengths and weaknesses identified. |
5 | 4.5 – 4 | 3.5 | 3 – 2.5 | 2 – 0 | |
Stage 4 – Analysis (5 marks) | Very clearly describes how strengths will be maximised. Very clearly, concisely, and accurately identifies goals to improve weaknesses that have been identified. | Clearly describes how strengths will be maximised. Clearly and accurately identifies goals to improve weaknesses that have been identified | Adequately describes how strengths will be maximised. Adequately and mostly accurately identifies goals to improve weaknesses that have been identified | Attempts to describe how strengths will be maximised, but minimal details have been given. Attempts to identify goals to improve weaknesses that have been identified, but minimal details have been given. | Little or no attempt to describe how strengths will be maximised. Limited or no identification of goals to improve weaknesses that have/have not been identified. |
5 | 4.5 – 4 | 3.5 | 3 – 2.5 | 2 – 0 | |
Stage 5 – Evaluation (5 marks) | Highly relevant evaluation of thoughts and feelings following the reflective cycle process. | Relevant evaluation of thoughts and feelings following the reflective cycle process. | Adequate evaluation of thoughts and feelings following the reflective cycle process. | Attempts to evaluate thoughts and feelings following the reflective cycle process, but minimal detail has been given. | Limited or no attempt to evaluate thoughts and feelings following the reflective cycle process. |
5 | 4.5 – 4 | 3.5 | 3 – 2.5 | 2 – 0 | |
Stage 6 – Action Plan (5 marks) | Excellent identification of what actions will be taken to achieve the goals documented. | Good identification of what actions will be taken to achieve the goals documented. | Adequate identification of what actions will be taken to achieve the goals documented. | Attempts to identify what actions will be taken to achieve the goals documented. | Limited or no attempt to identify what actions will be taken to achieve the goals documented. |
5 | 4.5 – 4 | 3.5 | 3 – 2.5 | 2 – 0 | |
Academic writing – spelling and grammar (5 marks) | Very clear expression with no spelling or grammatical errors. Very well-constructed sentences with main points very clearly linked to the assessment task. | Clear expression with 1- 2 spelling or grammatical errors. Well-constructed sentences with main points linked clearly to the assessment task. | Mostly clear expression with 3-4 spelling and/or grammatical errors. Adequate sentence construction with main points mostly linked to the assessment task. | Somewhat clear expression with 5-6 spelling and/or grammatical errors. Some issues with sentence construction with main points linked to the assessment task but going off track at times. | Did not include clear expression. Numerous spelling and grammar errors (7 or more) Many issues with sentence structure/no sentences formed. Little to no link to assessment task. |
5 | 4.5 – 4 | 3.5 | 3 – 2.5 | 2 – 0 | |
Referencing (5 marks) | Correct in-text referencing as per APA7 guidelines with no errors. Reference list contains a minimum of six (6) references. Reference list follows APA7 guidelines with no errors. | Correct in-text referencing as per APA7 guidelines with 1-4 minor errors. Reference list contains five (5) references. Reference list follows APA7 guidelines with 1- 2 errors. | Mostly correct in- text referencing as per APA7 guidelines with 5-6 minor or 1-2 major errors. Reference list contains four (4) references. Reference list follows APA7 guidelines with 3-4 errors. | Attempt at in-text referencing as per APA7 guidelines with more than 6 minor or more than 2 major errors. Reference list contains three (3) references. Reference list attempts to follow APA7 guidelines, however there are more than 5 errors. | Poor or no in-text referencing as per APA7 guidelines. Reference list contains two (2)/one (1)/no reference list provided. Poor or no attempt at reference list with APA7 guidelines not followed or no reference list supplied. |
5% of the total marks (5% of 40 = 2 marks) will be deducted for each day that this assignment is late.
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