[ANSWER]MSTT327 Integrated Myotherapy Techniques Lit Review – Effectiveness of Cupping Therapy in the Management of Knee Osteoarthritis: A Critical Analysis of Current Evidence

Knee Osteoarthritis

[ANSWER PREVIEW ON Knee Osteoarthritis]

Knee Osteoarthritis:] In knee OA, the condition is characterized by persistent pain, swelling and tenderness in the joints of knees, with various factors involved in its pathogenesis, including genetics, aging, obesity, knee injury, as well as repetitive tasks that exert stress on the knees via kneeling and squatting (AIHW, 2020). The gradual wearing of the cartilage in knee joints, coupled with the subsequent impairment of synovial fluid production, causes of loss of lubrication in the knees, hence the pain and swelling (Mora et al., 2018).

The underlying pathophysiological processes also cause other changes in the structure of knee joints, including damage to the articular muscle and ligaments as well as bone loss (Heidari, 2011; Teut et al., 2012). In addition to pain, swelling and tenderness in knee joints, knee OA is characterised by restricted joint movement, morning stiffness, and movement difficulties (Dantas et al., 2021). [Knee Osteoarthritis]

The diagnosis of knee OA is mostly based on the common symptoms of the condition. Indeed, clinical guidelines for the management of the condition recommend clinical assessment based on the patient’s self-reported symptoms and physical examination as the primary method of diagnosing the condition (ACSQHC, 2017). Persistent pain in the knees, morning stiffness, and reduced movement function…[Buy Full Answer for Just USD 9: 2882 WORDS] [Knee Osteoarthritis]


Type: Essay

Word Count: 2882

Grade/Mark: 85 (Distinction)
