[ANSWER]End of Life Care Essay- Innovations in Palliative Care: Renal Support Care for End-Stage Kidney Disease Patients
Renal Support Care for End-Stage Kidney Disease Patients
RSC aims to benefit patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) and ESKD as well as their families/carers. The patients are divided into four groups. The first group comprises conservative patients who do not want renal replacement treatments. This group may be unsuitable for dialysis because of reasons such as advanced dementia, or they might have discussed it with their nephrologists (Government of New South Wales, 2018).
Hence, due to clinical conditions, such as an advanced comorbid illness, a decision is made that dialysis will not be undertaken. The second group encompasses patients who are planning to have dialysis or those already doing it, and for whom the symptoms are burdening, warranting specialised management.
Such patients’ quality of life is significantly impacted by symptoms to the extent of causing distress and suffering, and therefore require an improved approach for managing the symptoms (Government of New South Wales, 2018). The third group are patients who want to withdraw from dialysis. A patient receiving dialysis could be struggling to…[Buy Full Answer for Just USD 9: 1663 WORDS]
Type: Essay
Word Count: 1663
Grade/Mark: 89 (Distinction)