[ANSWER]HUM1020: Introduction to Humanities
TASK DESCRIPTION The course will serve as an invitation to the Humanities and to a lifetime of reflection on the Introduction to Humanities condition.
COURSE SYLLABUS: Introduction to Humanities
Syllabus MENU
- Course Information
- Instructor Information
- Course Description
- Prerequisites
- MDC Learning Outcomes
- Course Competencies
- Required Textbook and Materials
- Supplemental Materials
- Technology Requirements
- Course Content
- Coursework Requirements
- Grading
- Miami Dade College Policies and Guidelines
Course Information
Course ID: 203292
Class Number: | 12669
Credit: 3 Credits
Term: Spring 2024 (Term 2243)
Term Dates: 1/3 to 4/26
Instructor Information
Name: | Vasilios Melidoneas
Inbox: | Please use “Inbox” in Canvas
Inbox is the required communication tool with your instructor.
VMelidon@mdc.edu – Use only if you are experiencing technical difficulties and cannot access the course.
Phone: | 305-237-xxxx
Office Hours: | 9:50-10:50AM
Response Policy: | 24-48 hours Monday through Friday when the college is in session.
Course Description
A survey of the genesis and evolution of human creativity, concentrating on Western culture and introducing the culture of the early Near East. Major locations and epochs to be discussed include: the Fertile crescent, Ancient Greece, Renaissance, Enlightenment, Romanticism, and Modernism/Postmodernism.
Through a close examination of relevant works of classical studies, art, music, literature, history, theater, religion, philosophy, and the visual arts, students will consider the basic question, “What is the Good Life?” The course will serve as an invitation to the Humanities and to a lifetime of reflection on the Introduction to Humanities condition. Course Goals and Objectives:
This course emphasizes the student’s development of an appreciation for the major creative accomplishments of mankind in the areas of art, architecture, music, drama, theater, poetry, and literature, as well as an understanding of some major philosophical and theological themes and ideas. The objectives are multi-disciplinary Introduction to Humanities, drawing upon the contributions of the various fields in order to encourage lifelong interest and participation in aesthetic and intellectual activities. It draws up on the full range of human experience across the West and through time in an attempt to answer the fundamental question: “What is the Good Life?”
Miami Dade College’s Learning Outcomes
This course addresses the following MDC learning outcomes:
Learning Outcome #1:
Communicate effectively using listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills.
Learning Outcome #2:
Use quantitative analytical skills to evaluate and analyze artistic works, historical periods, classical civilizations, visual art, and works literature.
Learning Outcome #3:
Demonstrate knowledge of diverse cultures, including global Introduction to Humanities and historical perspectives.
Learning Outcome #4:
Demonstrate knowledge of ethical thinking and its application to issues in society.
Learning Outcome #5:
Use computer and emerging technologies effectively.
Learning Outcome #6:
Demonstrate an appreciation for aesthetics and creative activities.
Course Competencies
Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:
Competency 1:
The student will explore the humanities as a discipline by:
1. Identifying the subject areas which comprise the Introduction to Humanities.
2. Identifying the Introduction to Humanities values exemplified by works from various times and cultures.
3. Identifying specific works to their authors, cultures, and period.s
Competency 2:
The student will demonstrate knowledge, comprehension, and application of fats, terms, and concepts associated with each of the disciplines of the Introduction to Humanities by:
1. Defining and identifying key vocabulary and artistic elements of selected visual, performing, and/or literary arts.
2. Discussing the relationship between the subject matter, the formal elements, and the meaning of artistic works.
Competency 3:
The student will demonstrate knowledge of how a work is contextually shaped by:
1. Analyzing selected major works within the artists’ historical and cultural contexts.
Competency 4:
The student will demonstrate an understanding of expression of specific works of art by:
1. Applying objective criteria suitable for that medium of expression. 2. Applying subjective criteria that explain a works’ aesthetic value.
Required Textbook and Materials
Required course materials: Landmarks in Humanities: Fiero, Gloria. McGraw Hill (ISBN: 9781-2-606-72855). See info in Canvas SmartBook (Only purchase within the Canvas page).
*NOTE: Due to the lecture format of this course, students will be expected to bring writing materials to class every day for taking notes. Taking thorough notes will be your best study guide come time for Quizzes and Exams.
MDC Shark Pack Program
This course utilizes the MDC Shark Pack program in partnership with the Follett bookstore and MDC.
- Participating in the MDC Shark Pack program will allow you to access required materials at a deeply discounted price, for a limited time. You are automatically enrolled to receive the discount.
- You have immediate access to your McGraw Hill digital course materials.
- For Connect, you MUST activate yourself in your instructors section to access your course materials. You will not need an access when you activate yourself in these platforms Introduction to Humanities.
- Staying in the MDC Shark Pack program will save you between 40-70% or more when compared to traditional “national” access codes. The MDC Shark Pack price is even LOWER than what you would pay if you purchased directly from McGraw-Hill.
- If you drop a course, don’t worry, any charges associated with the dropped course will be removed after the add/drop period.
Need help?
- Contact your bookstore on campus with any questions about the process.
- Contact McGraw Hill’s Customer Experience Group at 800-331-5094 for Connect. Use this registration code below and if you encounter any difficulty provide the information below.
https://connect.mheducation.com/class/v-melidoneas-mw-9am—950am-blended Links to an external site.
Supplemental Textbook and/or Materials
Technology Requirements
Desktop/Laptop computer, internet access
Course Content
Relevant course content will be posted under “Files” and marked by individual modules. Weekly assignments can be found under the “Assignments” tab.
Course Work Requirements
Course work needs to be completed on time. As assignments Introduction to Humanities our posted weekly corresponding to the individual humanities discipline being discussed that week. Late work without prior notification will not be accepted.
Grading Policy and Assessment Methods
Grading Criteria
Grading Scheme | Letter Grade
A = 90 – 100%, B = 80 – 89%, C = 70 – 79%, D = 60 – 69%, F = 59 and under
Quizzes – 5%, Participation – 10%, Weekly Connect SmartBook Assignments – 20%,
Reflection Assignments – 10%, Midterm – 25%, Final – 30%
Miami Dade College Policies and Guidelines
Attendance Policy: Attendance is required for this course. Tardiness is unacceptable; three tardy arrivals count as an absence, and students arriving late to class will need to take the first available seat and be respectful interrupting the beginning of our lecture. Each absence after your first two will deduct 2% from your final grade. The professor will reserve the right to withdraw a student with excessive absences. Since this is a Blended course, the professor reserves the right to withdraw a student if their online assignments are neglected for consecutive weeks Introduction to Humanities.
If you do happen to miss a class (which I know you will make every attempt to avoid), it is up to you to get the notes from another student; the professor does not distribute the PowerPoint lessons. It is the student’s sole responsibility (not the professor’s) to make sure their attendance has been recorded by the end of class. Make-up exams will be given at the discretion of the instructor Introduction to Humanities and only in cases of extreme hardship (i.e. medical emergency) and only with accompanying documentation.
Students’ Rights and Responsibility Handbook
This handbook provides you with the basic information you need to know as a student at Miami Dade College. Please review the Students’ Rights and Responsibilities Links to an external site. site to learn about policies addressing code of conduct, grade appeals, religious observations, services for students with special needs, and many other areas.
Academic Dishonesty
Please carefully review the Academic Dishonesty policies in the Students’ Rights and Responsibilities Links to an external site. site.
This site identifies “cheating on an examination” as one action included under academic dishonesty. In this course, you are expected to complete quizzes and exams independently and without access to the course’s online content or your own study notes. Having multiple browser windows open, accessing previous quizzes or course readings, and using your course notes while taking a quiz or exam constitute cheating. The Canvas system records all course activities.
Activity logs when you are taking quizzes/exams that show access to other course components makeup evidence of cheating and may cause a failing grade for the corresponding quiz or exam. You may have access to content in completed quizzes/exams. Copying, photographing, or any form of duplicating content in any assessment violates the Introduction to Humanities integrity of the assessment. Such action will be viewed as academic dishonesty and my result in a failing grade for the corresponding quiz or exam.
Plagiarism is another action identified as academic dishonesty. Presenting the work or ideas of someone else as one’s own constitutes plagiarism, which is why students are always expected to cite their sources. Through the use of tools such as Turnitin, non-original work can be easily identified; if not sourced, this constitutes evidence of plagiarism and may result in a failing grade for the corresponding assignment.
AI – Plagiarism
The use of AI is prohibited in this class for any writing assignments submitted. AI assisted writing will result in a zero and repeated cheating with AI can result in Academic discipline. Zero tolerance in this area.
Any student caught cheating on an examination will receive an automatic F for the course.
CANVAS Blended: This section of HUM1020 is a Canvas Blended Introduction to Humanities course. Students will be expected to turn in assignments, take surveys and quizzes, and check announcements DAILY on the Canvas course website and via email.
The instructor reserves the right to amend any aspect of this syllabus to meet the needs of the class by announcing such alterations in class, on the Canvas announcements tab or via email.
Course Withdrawal
After registering, students may change their schedules during the drop/add period. The dates for this period are listed on the Academic CalendarLinks to an external site. that may be found as a link on the Miami Dade College homepage.
Incomplete Grades
An Incomplete is given only where extenuating circumstances exist, such as documented medical problems or a death in the family, and is issued solely at the discretion of the instructor. If the instructor agrees to grant an Incomplete Introduction to Humanities, a written agreement must be completed between the instructor and the student, specifying the coursework to be completed, in what manner, and by when. Failure to fulfill the terms of the contract by the end of the next major term will result in an “F” for the course. A student may not remove an Incomplete by registering in a subsequent term to re-take the course.
For more information on Incomplete grades, please refer to the Students’ Rights and ResponsibilitiesLinks to an external site..
Class Activities – Recorded
Class lectures may be recorded and made available to students enrolled in the same class. Students who do not wish to be recorded, please contact the class instructor in the first week of class to discuss alternative arrangements Introduction to Humanities.
Adding Photo to Your Canvas Profile
- Students are highly encourages to use photos taken within five years to reflect their current appearance when assigning their Canvas profile picture.
- The photo should be a colored JPEG file with proper brightness, contrast, and exposure.
- The background should not contain distracting objects.
- It would be best to be the only subject in the photo with no other people in the focus or the background.
- Photos should not include captions, watermarks, or image-distorting overlays and filters.
- Students may be held accountable for posting offensive pictures or containing inappropriate Introduction to Humanities content or images.
- If the Canvas profile picture does not comply with these guidelines, Miami Dade College, course instructors, and LMS administrators have the right to remove profile pictures.
Hurricane and Other Natural Disasters In the event of a hurricane or other disaster, the class follows the schedule established by the College for campus-based courses. Please visit the MDC websiteLinks to an external site. or call the MDC Hotline (305-237-7500) for situation updates.
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