[ANSWER]Part B: Intervention Report
Part B: Intervention Report
![Intervention Report](https://gradedsolution.com/wp-content/uploads/edd/2024/02/Screenshot_Intervention.png)
Effective intervention report are necessary for addressing the aforementioned risks. The interventions should focus on two key outcomes: safety from psychological harm and safety from physical harm. Research shows that psychological and physical harms are common outcomes in victims of domestic violence (Dillon et al., 2013; Rakovec-Felser, 2014).
As evident in the safety assessment, Lizzie and her children are at risk of physical and psychological harm. This is why the social work intervention should prioritise these two areas. To protect Lizzie and her children against physical harm once her violent partner is released from prison, there is need for her to be equipped with safety from violence education.
Evidence demonstrates that education helps inform women about domestic violence and what they should or can do to remain safe (Randell et al., 2012; Taghdisi et al., 2014). A key element of this intervention is safety planning. A safety plan is a preconceived strategy employed by a victim to remain safe from a violent partner (Parker et al., 2015). [Intervention Report]
The plan should include, among other aspects, extensive information on the resources available for help in the event Lizzie’s partner physically assaults her or she perceives the possibility of a physical assault…[Buy Full Answer for Just USD 9: 2093 WORDS]
Type: Essay
Word Count: 2093
Grade/Mark: 84 (Distinction)