[ANSWER]PHC208 Assessment 2 Part A – Report: Rationale for an Educational Intervention for Depression: A Case Study
[ANSWER PREVIEW of Intervention for Depression]

Intervention for depression are important for people with depression due to the significant negative impacts of the condition on their life. As evident in the case of Theo, depression is not only stressing for the affected person and a major risk factor for suicide, it can also have far-reaching implications for the individual’s social and occupational lives (Bennett, Jones & Smith, 2014; Callahan et al., 2012). Such impacts can be debilitating for a young person like Theo.
The socioeconomic difficulties he is experiencing can largely be attributed to his mental illness, including joblessness and homelessness. When he got depressed, it became difficult for him to keep his job. Furthermore, despite growing up in a healthy home, depression came between him and his parents, eventually causing him to be homeless.
His economic strain further worsens his mental condition as he is not able to afford antidepressants. In addition to negative effects on psychosocial and occupational functioning, depression can significantly reduce one’s life expectancy (Rigabert et al., 2018). Without an educational intervention, Theo’s mental illness could deteriorate further.
While more Intervention for Depression may be needed to fully rehabilitate him, such as cognitive behavioural therapy, stable housing and employment (Callahan et al., 2012), education ought…[Buy Full Answer for Just USD 9: 2613 WORDS]
Type: Essay
Word Count: 2613
Grade/Mark: 86 (Distinction)