[ANSWER]GEB 5930 Industry Analysis Outline: Healthcare Equipment and Supplies Industry Analysis Online

Industry Analysis Outline

[Industry Analysis Outline: ANSWER PREVIEW]

  • Product differentiation:  Since HES industry is highly competitive, product differentiation is a strategy for achieving a competitive advantage (Culmone et al., 2019). (Industry Analysis Outline)
  • Innovation: Taking advantage of changing medical technology helps the industry to be sustainable.
  • Product quality and safety: Licensing is critical for the successful manufacturing and marketing of products (Mohammad et al., 2021).
  • Collaboration with stakeholders: Manufacturers of healthcare equipment and supplies need to collaborate with healthcare professionals and engineers to come up with effective, quality, and safe products (MacNeill et al., 2020).

I.                   Industry analysis

a.      General Environment

  1. Political
  2. Government stability
  3. Fluctuating government policies
  4. Tax policy
  5. Government regulation
    1. Economic
  6. High inflation
  7. High-interest rates
  8. Cheap labor
    1. Social
  9. Religious beliefs
  10. Demographics …[Buy Full Answer for Just USD 9: 1279 WORDS]

[Industry Analysis Outline: SOLUTION DESCRIPTION]

Type: Essay

Word Count: 1279

Grade/Mark: 85 (Distinction)

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