[ANSWER]Medication Errors: Implications of Medication Errors on Patient Care
Implications of Medication Errors on Patient Care
Paper details:
Topic: Implications of Medication Errors on Patient Care
Status | Paper format | Pages | Slides | Problems | Academic level | Type of work | Type of paper | Sources |
In progress | APA | 3 double | 0 | 0 | Undergraduate | Research paper | Writing from scratch | 3 |
Implications of Medication Errors
The body of the paper must be 7501250 words of text and must follow APA format. Use at least 3 professional references, all of which are less than 5 years old (No textbooks are permitted). All three references must come from peerreviewed English Language nursing journals. Websites, if used, must be those sites established for professional use.
Documentation of references, including websites, must follow APA format. The paper must be written in narrative format. Outline format, bullets, and tables should not be used in the paper. The paper must be well organized and show a logical progression with the use of subheadings required. Correct grammar, spelling and punctuation are expected. Please use Times New Roman typeprint in the body of the paper. We request you use 12 size font in your paper. Content:
Introduction: The Introduction briefly explains the major point of the topic you plan to cover as it impacts nursing, and why readers should be interested in the topic. It is the reason that this paper is being written, describes the nursing research, and explains the
rationale for the literature review. It has two key sentences: the introductory sentence how you plan to approach the topic or a brief comment leading into subject matter) and the theme sentence (chief reason for writing the paper). The introduction should also
include background information. Do not use personal pronouns such as “I think” or “in my opinion” statements. Expository statements such as “the effect or impact of…” are to be used to express opinions or findings. Since the introduction represents the tone of the
paper, it should attract the reader’s attention and be as concise as possible. It should be a minimum of 5 sentences.
The Introduction section is worth 10 points of the grade.
Literature Review: The Literature Review provides evidencedbased outcomes identified from the scholarly nursing/healthcare articles included in the reference section. The literature review also reflects on how the information will be used when discussing Implications for Nursing Practice or Health Care. It is imperative that this section reflect the synthesis of the student’s thoughts with respect to the information retrieved from the articles. Direct quotes and references are used but it is important that the interpretation of the data be explained in the student’s own words using expository statements.
The Literature Review section is worth 25 points of the grade.
Implications for Nursing Practice or Health Care: In this section students will determine how the information gleaned in the literature review will be/can be used in
nursing practice, or how the data impacts health care or health care delivery. It should also include specific suggestions for education whether it reflects patient teaching or educating members of the health care team. Other concepts that may be pertinent would be the potential for changing current nursing practice or a need for further collaboration with other members of the health care team. You should also include how this information will help you and explain how this will change your personal nursing practice by using expository statements such as “The effect will be…”
The Implications for Nursing Practice or Health Care section is worth 30 points of the grade.
Conclusion: The conclusion explains why you came to a particular conclusion based on
an analytical summary of your evidencebased findings. It should refer back to and support
your introductory statements and have a concluding statement. It should be concise and a minimum of five sentences.
[ANSWER PREVIEW OF Implications of Medication Errors]
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