[ANSWER]PCC302 Essay Critical Analysis: Is Withdrawal of Treatment Considered Euthanasia? Implications for Nursing Practice in End-of-Life Care
Implications for Nursing Practice in End-of-Life Care
In answering the question of whether withdrawing treatment is considered euthanasia, it is first important to define the notions of withdrawing treatment and euthanasia. Withdrawing treatment is the act of ceasing at the request of the patient any form of treatment for a terminal illness (Ursin, 2019). Euthanasia on the other hand is an umbrella term that encompasses various actions or omissions through which a physician helps a patient to die to end pain and suffering as a result of terminal illness (Banovic & Turanjanin, 2014). Euthanasia is further categorised into active and passive forms as well as voluntary and involuntary forms (Sanchini et al., 2014). Implications for Nursing Practice .
As involuntary euthanasia (euthanasia that occurs without patient consent) is illegal in all countries globally, including Australia, the discussion herein dwells majorly on voluntary euthanasia (euthanasia that occurs with patient consent), which is divided into active and passive euthanasia. Active euthanasia involves the administration of a substance with the intention of causing death within a short period of time, while passive euthanasia involves causing death by withholding or withdrawing life-sustaining treatment (Fontalis, Prousali & Kulkarni, 2018; Chong & Fok, 2009). Many bioethicists consider withdrawal of treatment as a form of passive euthanasia (Sanchini et..[Buy Full Answer Of Implications for Nursing Practice for Just USD 9: 2345 WORDS]
Type: Essay
Word Count: 2345
Grade/Mark: 92 (Distinction)