[ANSWER]SOCS235 Health, Illness and Wellbeing: Medical Dominance
Illness and Wellbeing
Limitation involves restricting the scope of practice of other health professionals, including dentists, optometrists, and physiotherapists (Germov, 2013). Doctors achieve this form of dominance mostly through political influence [ Illness and Wellbeing]. For example, despite comprising less than 20% of the total health workforce in Australia, medical practitioners are over-represented in the management boards of hospitals, registration bodies for other health professionals, as well as bodies involved in health policy advisory and health research funding (Germov, 2013).
This makes it difficult for other health professionals to widen their scope of practice. For example, in spite of their extensive training in Health, Illness and Wellbeing and knowledge of physiology, physiotherapists in Australia are generally not permitted to prescribe medications to their patients (Noblet et al., 2019). Even for non-sophisticated complaints like back pain, a physiotherapist is not allowed to prescribe a…[Buy Full Answer for Just USD 9: 1325 WORDS]
Type: Essay
Word Count: 1325
Grade/Mark: 96 (Distinction)