[ANSWER]SOCB311 Assignment 3 Ministerial Letter: Re: Proposal for National Funding for a Stress-Reduction Program for Unemployed High-School Leavers in Australia
[ANSWER PREVIEW]Program for Unemployed High-School Leavers in Australia

Leaving High-School Leavers in Australia early increases one’s risk of becoming chronically unemployed due to the difficulty of getting job opportunities without high school or post-high school qualifications. Indeed, statistics show that young people who do not complete Year 12 are one and a half times more likely to be in full-time compared to those who do not complete Year 12 (Robinson & Meredith, 2014). The likelihood of remaining unemployed for the long term in this group is especially high since early High-School Leavers in Australia are unlikely to engage in further education or vocational training after exiting…[Buy Full Answer for Just USD 9: 959 WORDS]
Type: Essay
Word Count: 959
Grade/Mark: 97 (Distinction)