[ANSWER]SOCF311 Part A: Herbal Medicine and Public Health
Herbal Medicine and Public Health
Herbal medicine is obtained from the leaves, fruits, stems, barks, roots and other parts of medicinal plants, which are mostly found in the wild (Bent, 2008). Across the globe, there are thousands of plants with medicinal properties, including aloe vera, ginger, garlic, papaya, lemon, and turmeric (Firenzuoli & Gori, 2007). Prepared as either decoctions or infusions, herbal medicines are mostly administrated orally, albeit nasal and rectal administration is prevalent (Boadu & Asase, 2017). Medicinal plants contain phytochemiclas…[Buy Full Answer Of Herbal Medicine and Public Health for Just USD 9: 775 WORDS]
Type: Essay
Word Count: 775
Grade/Mark: 92 (Distinction)