[ANSWER]Health Sociology Research Essay: Is Inequality in Health Outcomes Inevitable? Explaining Gender Health Inequality from a Sociological Perspective

Health Sociology Research Essay


Health Sociology Research Essay

Gender can be broadly defined as “those characteristics of women and men which are socially constructed” (WHO 2010, p.33). In most societies, relations between men and women have historically been shaped by various social structures, such as culture and politics, which influence the extent to which either of the two genders have access to resources and opportunities (Kavanagh, Shelley & Stevenson 2018). These relations serve as a basis for gender-based discrimination and privilege, which ultimately contributes to gender health inequalities.

Additionally, socially defined views of masculinity and femininity influence differences in how men and women feel, think, and behave (Kavanagh, Shelley & Stevenson 2018). For example, owing to masculinity socialisations, violence and alcohol and substance abuse are likely to be more prevalent in men than in women (WHO 2010). The implication is that men are more likely than women to have health issues emanating from alcohol and substance abuse (Victorian Health Promotion Foundation 2017).

Moreover, women are more likely than men to suffer health problems emanating from violence perpetrated by men (AIHW 2019b). Clearly, gender health inequality is a socially produced phenomenon, a viewed shared by several health sociologists (Germov 2018; Kavanagh, Shelley & Stevenson 2018; Newman et al. 2015). Economic differences between men and women…[Buy Full Answer Of Health Sociology Research Essay for Just USD 9: 2061 WORDS]


Topic: Health Sociology Research Essay

Type: Essay

Word Count: 2061

Grade/Mark: 86 (Distinction)

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