[ANSWER]HLSC659 Strategic Management in Health Service Delivery AT1- Strategic Decision Making in Healthcare: A Case Study of Eldercare

Health Service Delivery

[ANSWER PREVIEW]A week that Australians commemorate every March to celebrate the country’s multicultural diversity Health Service Delivery.

Eldercare has made key strategic decisions in the last few years Health Service Delivery. On March 25, 2019, the organization launched its Diversity and Inclusion Policy (“Inclusion Policies”, 2019). Guided by the mantra ‘everyone belongs’, the policy was informed by the need to ensure a service environment in which all residents are treated with respect, dignity and fairness irrespective of their age, gender, and cultural background.

The launch of the policy coincided with the Harmony Week, a week that Australians commemorate every March to celebrate the country’s multicultural diversity Health Service Delivery. On the same day, the organization also launched its LGBTI Inclusion Policy with a view to making its facilities more welcoming for the LGBTI (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex) community.

As part of implementing Health Service Delivery the LGBTI Inclusion Policy, the organization rolled out a training program to equip all its staff members with knowledge on inclusive practice. These two inclusivity-oriented policies have cemented the organisation’s deliberate attention to diversity and inclusion and have greatly shaped service delivery at the organisation. In October 11, 2019, about seven months after the launch of the…[Buy Full Answer for Just USD 9: 1789 WORDS]


Type: Essay

Word Count: 1789

Grade/Mark: 91 (Distinction)

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