[ANSWER]Assessment 1- Engaging with Corporate, Clinical and Information Management Staff to Deliver a Safe Environment for Care: A Focus on the Intentional Rounding Initiative at St Vincent’s Health Network Sydney
[ANSWER PREVIEW] Particularly clinical and information management staff. At SVHNS Health Network Sydney.
Patient safety is a key priority for the top leadership in any healthcare organization Health Network Sydney. The top leadership, which includes high-level executives, bears the ultimately responsibility for establishing, implementing, and maintaining a culture of patient safety (Ring & Fairchild 2013). Without commitment to patient safety at the top, there is unlikely to be commitment to the same in lower levels of the organisational hierarchy.
This position is reiterated by the Clinical Governance Standard of the NSQHS Standards, which stipulates that the top leadership has the foremost responsibility in putting in place systems Health Network Sydney, policies and processes to ensure patient safety at all times (ACSQHC 2017).
At SVHNS, corporate staff comprises the executive team headed by the chief executive. As expected, the organisation’s IR initiative was introduced by the chief executive and the rest of the leadership team as part of the organisation’s broader EOC program. In introducing the initiative, the leadership team commissioned a data collection exercise to inform patient safety improvement efforts. IR was identified as one of the key interventions for improving patient safety Health Network Sydney.
The leadership team formulated SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-bound) organisational and clinical goals in relation to the initiative and identified ward-based EOC facilitators to be in charge of implementing and training nurses on the initiative at the ward level. Once the patient safety strategic plan has been formulated by corporate staff, managers at lower levels are tasked with implementing it (Daly et al. 2014) as outlined in the Clinical Governance Standard (ACSQHC 2017), particularly clinical and information management staff. At SVHNS Health Network Sydney.
The clinical staff involved in the delivery of the IR initiative are designated EOC facilitators who double up as nurse managers. EOC facilitators are involved in training nurses on IR…[Buy Full Answer for Just USD 9: 2870 WORDS]
Type: Essay
Word Count: 2870
Grade/Mark: 90 (Distinction)