[ANSWER]Health Literacy
Assignment extract Health Literacy:
Next question: You ask yourself “Why are not they adhering to their health regimen?
A: Factors that contribute to them not adhering, Make list of the contributing factors:
• Low Literacy
• Access to medications (Patients that live too far from drug store and they don’t know about delivery system)
• Access to healthy foods
• Cultural issues
• Financial difficulties/Affordability
You should look at literature: Why don’t people adhere to their prescribed medical regimen? Because if you will make difference for these patients you have to make sure these other factors are controlled for them.
Otherwise you can be literate or illiterate it doesn’t matter if “I can’t afford it or have access to good food, ex: If patient’s neighborhood has no healthy stores that sell healthy foods, or patient can’t afford eat healthy, it is a lot more expensive to eat healthy and there for have access to healthy foods.
I have to state in my paper “ Although there are many reasons why people don’t adhere to their regimen but health literacy is the big problem to why they don’t adhere.
Next paragraph we need to describe how big is this problem patient with hypertension? How many people who had hypertension had strokes, MIs? How big is their risk of developing CVA, MI from HTN (hypertension)? because we are making the case that scope and significance of this: adherence is something big enough for us to pay attention to this issue of “ Low Literacy”.
(This will be written in two pages about the Problem).
Then Literature review: Lets talk about key concepts that will go into literature review: and this is how you organize literature review: 1ST that you want to find out from lit. Review: What contributes to HTN and discuss each of these factors.(not in a lot of details).
Look at lit. review the link between health literacy and HTN. Because we have 1-5 factors why people don’t adhere to medication as stated above.
Low literacy is the “CORE Piece of That”
Then you must intervene in order to achieve better outcomes: you will have to discuss about health literacy in general, link between health literacy and hypertension,
So we have 10 articles to discuss about health literacy and HTN and other problems.
In conclusion: one paragraph to summarize Problem , and link lit review on health literacy and how it plays a major role in improving outcomes with hypertension as per literature states.
[Health Literacy ANSWER PREVIEW ]
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