[ANSWER]INP Assessment Task 2: Complex Health Issues Case Study

Health Issues Case Study

TASK DESCRIPTION Identify a total of three patient Health Issues Case Study from ONE of the case scenarios that nurses can address within their scope of practice. You can choose actual or potential health issues

Assessment task 2: Complex health issues case study

Intent: The purpose of this assignment is to enable students to apply clinical reasoning and critical thinking to justify appropriate rationales when prioritizing patient Health Issues Case Study. This will

prepare students for the real-world decisions they will be making as newly graduated nurses.

Objective(s): This assessment task addresses subject learning objective(s):

A, B, C, D and E

This assessment task contributes to the development of graduate attribute(s):

2.0, 4.0 and 5.0

Weight: 40%

27/07/2023 (Spring C 2023) © University of Technology Sydney Page 3 of 5

Task: Students will review the case studies and materials provided for this assignment on Canvas. Following an analysis of the Health Issues Case Study students will identify three priority patient

complex health issues that nurses could take a lead role in addressing. Students will rank the identified complex health issues in order of priority, provide rationales for the order of

the rankings and outline the nurse’s role in addressing the complex patient health issues.

NB: The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI), for example ChatGPT, is not permitted in this assessment. Students who are identified as using AI, for example ChatGPT, in

this assessment may be referred for academic misconduct.

Length: 1500 words

Due: 5.00pm Friday 8 September 2023

Week 5

Assessment item 1 – Complex health issues case study

Objective(s):           Learning objective: A, B, C, D and E

                                Graduate Attribute: 2.0, 4.0 and 5.0

Weight:                    40%

Length:                     1500 word limit +/- 10%, excluding references

NB: The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI), for example Chat GPT, is not permitted in this assessment. Students who are identified as using AI, for example Chat GPT, in this assessment may be referred for academic misconduct.

Students will review the specific case scenario materials provided for this assessment. Using this information, they will identify and priorities the patient’s complex health issues. Students will provide rationales for their prioritization decisions which will be supported by current literature and related Australian nursing and healthcare standards and NSW health department policies.

  1. Identify a total of three patient Health Issues Case Study from ONE of the case scenarios that nurses can address within their scope of practice. You can choose actual or potential health issues.
  2. Rank the three patient health issues that were selected in part 1 in order of priority. Provide a rationale for the order of the rankings. The rationale must be supported with evidence based and current literature.
  3. Outline the nurse’s role in addressing the top three priority patient health issues in relation to patient assessment, coordination of care and delivery of care. Relate the discussion to Australian nursing and healthcare standards and NSW health department policies. e.g. RN Standards for Practice, NSW health policy, National Safety and Quality Health Service (NSQHS) standards etc.

Students need to demonstrate their ability to identify and priorities patient Health Issues Case Study that nurses can address within their scope of practice and rationalise the order of priority.  This will enable students to articulate decisions they will need to make in clinical practice.  In addition, students will be able to demonstrate their ability to write clearly and succinctly to reflect their understanding. The use of headings is encouraged to organise the assignment.


The Faculty of Health uses the American Psychological Association (APA) 7th referencing style for in text referencing and production of a reference list. Please refer to the following link for guidance on this referencing style:


In the Reference List – Students are also required to provide the DOI or hyperlink for literature that is referred to in the text of the assessment so that tutors can easily refer to cited sources for marking purposes.

Accurate referencing using APA7 referencing style is expected – poor referencing will result in loss of marks. Marks may be deducted if the assessment is not within the word limit.

Please make sure you refer to the rubric when preparing your assessment work:

And the  2023 INP Assessment 2 FAQ.docxDownload 2023 INP Assessment 2 FAQ.docx

Patient Scenarios

Choose ONE of the following patient scenarios for your assessment.

2023 Sara Abaza Scenario.docxDownload 2023 Sara Abaza Scenario.docx

2023 Morris Middleton Scenario.docxDownload 2023 Morris Middleton Scenario.docx

2023 Clara Zhang Scenario.docxDownload 2023 Clara Zhang Scenario.docx


Case study

Case study
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIdentification of health issues5 pts Full marks Total of 3 patient Health Issues Case Study are identified. The 3 patient health issues are described comprehensively 4 pts Well done Total of 3 patient health issues are identified. The 3 patient health issues are described in detail 3 pts Good work Total of 3 patient health issues are identified Health Issues Case Study.

The 3 patient health issues are described without adequate detail 2.5 pts Pass Total of 3 patient health issues are identified. The 3 patient Health Issues Case Study are not described 1 pts unsatisfactory 3 or less (total) patient health issues identified. The patient health issues identified are not related to the case study.
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePrioritisation of health issues and rationale12 pts Full Marks Comprehensive, persuasive and logical rationale for order of prioritisation. High quality and current evidence used to comprehensively support the ranking of priority. 10 pts Well done Clear, logical rationale for order of prioritisation in detail. High quality and current evidence used to support the ranking of priority in detail.

8 pts Good work Clear, logical rationale for order of prioritisation, some arguments require more detail. Some high quality and current evidence used to support the ranking of priority. 6 pts Pass Clear rationale for order of prioritisation, arguments require more detail and development. Some evidence used to support the ranking of priority. 3 pts unsatisfactory Unclear rationale for prioritisation of the 3 chosen heath issues. Low quality evidence used to support the ranking of priority. There is no evidence to support this section Health Issues Case Study.
12 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Nurse’s Role in relation to assessment, coordination of care and delivery of care.18 pts Full Marks Detailed outline of the broad role of the nurse. Discussion related to comprehensive range of nursing and healthcare standards and health department policies. 14 pts Well done Detailed outline of the broad role of the nurse. Discussion related to nursing and healthcare standards and health department policies in detail.

12 pts Good work Clear outline of the role of the nurse, requires broader scope. Discussion related to nursing and healthcare standards and health department policies, without adequate detail 9 pts Pass Clear outline of the role of the nurse, requires more links with the patient health issues or detail. Discussion related to some nursing and healthcare standards and health department policies 4 pts unsatisfactory Unclear outline of the role of the nurse. Discussion not related to nursing and healthcare standards or health department policies. There is no evidence to support this section.
18 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Referencing & Grammar5 pts Full Marks At least ten different references are utilised. An accurate reference list is provided, no errors. No errors in spelling & grammar 4 pts Well done At least ten different references are utilised. An accurate reference list is provided, minimal errors. Minor errors in spelling & grammar 3 pts Good work Ten different references are utilized.

An accurate reference list is provided, minimal errors. Occasional errors in spelling & grammar 2.5 pts Pass Ten different references are utilised. Reference list is accurate, some errors present. Some errors in spelling & grammar 1 pts unsatisfactory Less than ten different references are utilised Reference list provided is not accurate, multiple errors present. Many errors in spelling & grammar
5 pts
Total Points: 40


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