[ANSWER]Health Care Related Problem and a Target Population

Health Care Related Problem
Topic: Health Care Related Problem and a Target Population
Discussion: Identifying a Health Care Related Problem and a Target Population
Take a few minutes to think about the most pressing health-promotion and disease-prevention issues, such as those identified in Healthy People 2020 and the Institute of Medicine’s Future of Nursing. Which one most calls your attention? Maternal, infant, and child health? Health communication and health information technology? Immunization and infectious diseases?
This course provides a venue for addressing issues such as one of these through the design of a program and associated evaluation. In order to design an effective program though, it is critical to narrow the focus from one of these larger issues to a specific problem and a target population.
This Discussion provides a forum through which you and your colleagues may support each other in first selecting a health-promotion and disease-prevention issue of national significance, and then identifying a problem and a target population to guide your program planning and evaluation efforts in this course.
To prepare:
Examine the topics presented in Healthy People 2020 and the Institute of Medicine’s Future of Nursing. Select a health-promotion and disease-prevention issue of national significance that has particular resonance or appeal for you.
Review literature related to the issue you have selected and, specifically, the problem and target population you may choose to focus on as you move forward with program planning.
Review this week’s course text readings. What questions or concerns, if any, do you have about how to identify a problem and a target population for program planning and evaluation?
Note: For Assignment 1, you need to identify a health care–related problem and a target population to guide program planning as you move forward in the course. If you have not already done so, read the instructions for Assignment 1 (provided this week) as your work on this Discussion to guide your development of that assignment.
You may choose any topic, and you may target any population
One of the reasons obesity among this target population is a major concern is because it is highly likely to proceed to adulthood. In adulthood, obesity results in cardiovascular conditions like hypertension and other diseases like diabetes mellitus, Cholelithiasis as well as premature death (Klish & Skelton, 2019). Yet even at childhood, obesity denies children the ability to develop properly because, for instance, they are often ridiculed by other and…[Buy Full Answer of Health Care Related Problem for Just USD 9: 707 WORDS]
Topic: Health Care Related Problem
Type: Essay
Word Count: 707
Grade/Mark: 93 (Distinction)