[ANSWER]PUBH6002 Global A2 – Solid Waste Management in Sydney: Implications for Public Health and Policy
Solid Waste Management
Three key factors have driven the health issues associated with solid waste management in Sydney: demographic changes, economic growth, and ban on waste imports in China. With a population of approximately 4.8 million people as per the 2016 census, Sydney is the most populous metropolitan areas in not only New South Wales (NSW) but also Australia (ABS, 2020b). Against the backdrop of factors such as increased urbanisation, the population of Sydney is expected to be even higher in the future. By 2030, the city’s population is projected to increase by approximately 1.3 million people, bringing the total population to more than 6 million people (Weir, 2019). Solid Waste Management
Other notable demographic shifts that have occurred in the city, further driving the health problem, are changes in household size and consumption patterns (ABS, 2006). Across Australia, the average size of the household is increasingly becoming smaller, which means there are now more households than in the past. Additionally, owing to rising disposable incomes, Australians are purchasing more and more of durable and smaller-serve goods. The increased consumption of smaller-serve goods is especially Solid Waste Management a notable trend given these goods tend to have a higher packaging-to-product ratio in comparison to large-serve goods (ABS, 2006).
In addition to population growth, Sydney continues experiencing a rapid increase in economic activity. The city is the main economic hub of the country, accounting for about 7% of the country’s total economic output as of 2018/19 (City of Sydney, 2020). Between 2007 and 2017, more than 4,000 new businesses were established in the city (City of Sydney, 2020). This paints a picture of the fast economic growth happening in the city, with the construction sector being one of the areas where this growth has been particularly marked (NSW Environment..[Buy Full Answer for Just USD 9: 2894 WORDS]
Type: Essay
Word Count: 2894
Grade/Mark: 82 (Distinction)