[ANSWER]Frequent Exposure to Stress During Maternity SMP: Understanding How the Frequent Exposure to Stress During Maternity Effects the Development of Attention Problems and Hyperactivity Difficulties in Kindergarten-Age Children

 Frequent Exposure to Stress During


Frequent Exposure to Stress During Maternity SMP

Grizenko, et al. (2012) looked at the relationship between maternal stress during pregnancy and the Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in children under age 5. The authors have noted the possibility of other confounding factors such as women’s diet and parental psychiatric disorder. The aim of their study was to manipulate all other factors using an intra-familial design, and investigate gene-environment interaction with one another. They conducted the study through the collection of 142 children, ages 6 and 12, (71 with ADHD, and their 71 non-ADHD siblings) (Grizenko et al., 2012).

The severities of symptoms were evaluated using the Child Behavior Checklist and the Kinney Medical Questionnaire. The conclusion of their study suggested that mothers were more likely to have experienced high levels of stress during pregnancy of their Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) children when compared to that of the unaffected sibling. The study conducted by Grizenko, et al. (2012)neglected to narrow down the investigation of severe stress exposure to stress during the first trimester, but rather the overall pregnancy.

Another research conducted by Leis, Heron, Stuart and Mendelson (2014) to examine the association between elevated symptoms of various depressions, and stress independently and emotional problems in kindergarten children. There were 2,891 women and their children. Women completed the assigned questionnaire regarding their status of the above independent variables and then mothers and teachers assessed the child’s emotional and behavioral problems using the Strength and Difficulties Questionnaire (p.169).

A high percentage of children with attention related problems have mothers who experienced stress and anxiety during pregnancy. Those targeted students with attention and hyperactivity difficulties, if their symptoms went untreated, 40% of them will try alcohol and tobacco at an early age, and 25% would be expelled and/or dropped out from high school (Curatolo, D’Agati, &Moavero, 2010).In comparison to Leis, Heron, Stuart and Mendelson’sresearch, this study will examine the frequency of stress the mothers were exposed to, as well as focusing on the first trimester.

Another notable research by Freitag et al. (2012) investigating the high possibility of the link between maternal stress and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in children. Freitag et al. (2012) investigated the various possibilities of the appearance of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in children; among these factors was stress during pregnancy. After conducting a qualitative study using the questionnaire dynamic, the researchers concluded that attention difficulties and hyperactivity problems occurred in alignment with the oppositional defiant disorder in childhood.

This information is very important because the defying authority category will occur when the mothers during maternity are exposed to severe stress, which will have a direct effect on the neuropsychiatry of the fetus in the womb (Freitage et al., 2012). This study will provide grounded support to explore the stress that mothers experience during maternity and the possible appearance of attention and hyperactivity related problems in their children.

Although prior studies investigated the phenomenon of the relation between mothers’ exposure to stress during pregnancy and attention disorders in the children, this proposed research will further investigate this phenomenon. This study will not only examine this relation but also will consider the additional factors of intensity of the experienced stress, frequency and duration of this stress, the trimester of pregnancy, and the severity of the attention problems in children.

Exploring these additional factors will provide additional information in terms of stress experienced during first trimester of pregnancy and the development of attention related problems and hyperactivity issues in kindergarten-age children. The findings will further help identify the phenomenon that there is a relationship between maternal stress and the high possibility of attention and anxiety related problems in kindergarten- age children.

This study will address the research questions through the investigation of the five themes of intensity of stress mothers were exposed to during the first trimester of pregnancy, frequency and the duration of this stress and the intensity of the child’s disorder. The problem statement and the research questions would be addressed through the open-ended questionnaire in which it will be given to the sample of 15-25 participants at the Kinghaven Counseling Group clinic.

These questions will provide an overview about the major themes of the research questions and the problem statement. Additionally, the participants will have the opportunity to write their own viewpoints about their emotions during the stress-related events in which they were exposed to during the first trimester of pregnancy.

Criterion *(Score = 0, 1, 2, or 3)Learner ScoreChair ScoreMethodologist ScoreContent Expert Score
Background of the Study The background section explains both the history of and the present state of the problem and research focus. It identifies the “gap” or “need” based on a summary of the current literature and discusses how the study will address that “gap” or “need.” (Minimum two to three paragraphs or approximately one page)
Provides a summary of results from the prior empirical research on the topic and identifies the need as defined by the prior research which this current study will address.3 I added per the comment provided from Dr. Lonergan3, This section is under construction and almost done. She has to keep adding to this and summarize it by using headings and taking those themes back into the summary of how to address the RQ required at end of section 1. 2
Section is written in a way that is well structured, has a logical flow, uses correct paragraph structure, uses correct sentence structure, uses correct punctuation, and uses correct APA format.33 2
*Score each requirement listed in the criteria table using the following scale: 0 = Item Not Present or Unacceptable. Substantial Revisions are Required. 1 = Item is Present. Does Not Meet Expectations. Revisions are Required. 2 = Item is Acceptable. Meets Expectations. Some Revisions May be Suggested or Required. 3 = Item Exceeds Expectations. No Revisions are Required.
Reviewer Comments: Add the specifics of your population sample and location to your problem statement, a little more exactly like the title.  So you have the sample there, but try to conjoin it to the problem statement, simplify the it for that purpose and then explain further as you do.  And what for adjuncts on the long statements. Eg. The research does not fill in literature. The instruments are measured in those ways, so please go fix that. And see that your problem statement has typo-o.  And it’s not if and how.  Decide on one okay. And don’t add things, use “if”, as the template proposes. DR. L.  Agreed, Dr. S.
Frequent Exposure to Stress During

Problem Statement

It is not known ifthe frequent exposure to stress during maternity affects the development of attention problems and hyperactivity difficulties in children as early as kindergarten-age. This proposed study intends to examine the relationship, if presents,  between mothers’ exposure to mild-to-severe stress during the first trimester of their pregnancy and the potential development of anxiety, attention problems and hyperactivity disorders in their children, as expressed as early as in kindergarten-age.

The population affected from this research study would be a group of mothers (15-25 participants) whose children are already exhibiting the symptoms of stress and anxiety disorders in terms of attention problems and hyperactivity difficulties as demonstrated in the study by Van den Bergh and Marcoen (2004) to investigate whether or not the exposure of women during pregnancy to frequent levels of anxiety would enhance the child’s susceptibility to childhood mental disorder, represented by varieties of attention problems and hyperactivity issues.

Following certain criteria by the authors of the study, 86 Caucasian women accepted the case study and multiple data were collected through a thorough questionnaire regarding their stress level during 12 weeks and 22 weeks of pregnancy without any reports of complications of drug abuse history. They found that the exposure to a high level of intense stress and anxiety for a long period of time were risk factors for developing attention and anxiety related problems in children as early as kindergarten-age.

A study by Rodriguez and Bohlin (2005) confirmed why the proposed research needs to be conducted. The stress during pregnancy can predict symptoms related to Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in seven years old boys. This study was collected using a sample of (n=290) mothers and (n=208) respected teachers. Using the multiple regression analysis, it depicted that stress was an interdependently related with the symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (Rodriguez &Bohlin, 2005).There is a considerable evidence that maternal stress is associated with the behavioral disturbances in children (Ramchandani, Richter, Norris, & Stein, 2010).

This research study willexamine the possible relationship between frequent maternal exposure to severe stress and the development of anxiety-related problems and attention difficulties since the investigation of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is not clearly understood. Studies have been conducted in examining the different root causes to Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) from several aspects. These aspects include, but not limited to, genetics, intolerance to foods/food additives, molds, fungi, chemical substances from toys, teeth fillings, and maternal exposure to stress and anxiety (Kidd, 2011).

Children with attention and hyperactivity disorders experience great difficulties in schools. This can lead to many problematic outcomes such as exclusion from class work, poor achievements, grade repetitions, as well as behavioral difficulties that include risk behaviors under a risk-conceptual framework (Martin, 2014). Therefore, it is important to investigate the relation between a mother’s stress level during pregnancy and the child’s development of attention and hyperactivity problems.

This proposed study will provide additional knowledge to the relation in between attention difficulties in children and their mother’s maternal stress. This additional knowledge will be examined through the factors of intensity of the experienced stress, frequency and duration of this stress, the trimester of pregnancy, and the severity of the attention problems in children.

A study by Grizenko et al., (2008) examined the severity of maternal stress during pregnancy and the severity of symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).Children (N=203) ages between 6 and 12 were recruited and their level of the disorder were assessed. Based on their mothers’ feedbacks, teachers, and the Child Behavioral Checklist. The findings suggested that the higher intensity of stress the mothers had during pregnancy, the high levels of attention difficulties and hyperactivity problems the children have in schools.

More research in this field is needed to fill in the gaps of literature in terms of maternal stress and attention problems in children. when comparing these studies that are mentioned in this proposal to this proposed research, this proposal has a different approach examining the phenomenon of the possible relation between maternal stress and the development of attention and hyperactivity problems in their children as early as kindergarten-age. The examination of the first trimester, intensity of stress, frequency, duration, and the intensity of the child’s disorder will fill the gaps of literature regarding the needed information on this topic under these five themes through the use of qualitative method to collect and analyze data.

Upon drawing a conclusive analysis, the study will bring an awareness that tackles not only pregnant women, but family members, spouses, and friends as well. The study will address a very important problem as it relates to the entire family of the troubled child and his/her kindergarten classroom. This qualitative research study using the phenomenological inquiry will be utilized to conduct the study. The dynamic of the study will be conducted through the recruitment of mothers of children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and their children of kindergarten- age from the Kinghaven Counseling Group. (Frequent Exposure to Stress During)

Criterion *(Score = 0, 1, 2, or 3)Learner ScoreChair ScoreMethodologist ScoreContent Expert Score
Problem Statement This section includes the problem statement, the population affected, and how the study will contribute to solving the problem. This section is summarized in Chapter 3. This section of Chapter 1 should be a minimum of three to four paragraphs with citations from empirical research articles to support statements. (Minimum three or four paragraphs or approximately one page)
States the specific problem proposed for research by presenting a clear declarative statement that begins with “It is not known if and to what degree/extent…” (quantitative) ~or~ or “It is not known how/why and…” (qualitative)33 3
Identifies the general population affected by the problem.33 3
Suggests how the study may contribute to solving the problem.3 The section was revised per this comment2, This section can be highlighted against every study you introduce by contrasting it to your RQ and ideas you want to demonstrate. 2
Section is written in a way that is well structured, has a logical flow, uses correct paragraph structure, uses correct sentence structure, uses correct punctuation, and uses correct APA format.33, coming along, still slightly undeveloped. 2
*Score each requirement listed in the criteria table using the following scale: 0 = Item Not Present or Unacceptable. Substantial Revisions are Required. 1 = Item is Present. Does Not Meet Expectations. Revisions are Required. 2 = Item is Acceptable. Meets Expectations. Some Revisions May be Suggested or Required. 3 = Item Exceeds Expectations. No Revisions are Required.
Reviewer Comments: The thing here is to read for editing. There has to be one space after every period for example. And this is more clear. Dr. L. Agreed, Dr. S.
Frequent Exposure to Stress During

Purpose of the Study

The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between maternal exposure to severe stress and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in children around kindergarten-age. When conducting this study using the randomly chosen sample through the Kinghaven clinic, the researcher will draw a conclusion that these abnormalities were highly associated with their mothers being exposed to stress during pregnancy.

The sample of 15-25 participants from the Kinghaven Counseling Group clinic is already consist of children categorized with this disorder, so it will be the parents’ role to fill in the questionnaires that will be handed to them during the sessions of psychology and/or psychiatry appointments.

The themes of intensity, frequency and duration of the exposure to the stress among other factors were chosen as tools surrounded the pregnant mother during pregnancy and the child with the categories of inattentiveness and hyperactivities. Additionally, these themes were not found all together in one study as this proposed research offers. Other studies might have picked one or two themes and conducted the study with the focus on something associated with smoking and cortisal level.

This study will answer the proposed research questions as to how do the intensity levels of mothers’ exposure to stress during first trimester of pregnancy, frequency and duration of stress, and severity of the children’s disorders associate with the development of anxiety, attention problems and hyperactivity difficulties in their kindergarten-age children. This qualitative method is a phenomenological design that consists of a population sample of (15-25) participants and will be conducted at the Kinghaven Counseling Group clinic.

 Experiencing psychosocial stress during pregnancy is associated with adverse health and behavioral outcomes in their children, as well as maternal health and birth outcomes risks (Christian, 2015).Children with attention problems will create an environment for themselves away from reality and will not want to be told what to do in schools or at home. They need consistent care with proper nutrients in order to grow and to understand the importance of being a good citizen in the community and the society at large.

The researcher will investigate the frequent exposure to stress during maternity as an indicator to increase the risk of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in children. This qualitative method will utilize questionnaire forms, interviews, and case observations of mother-son relations, and self-report narration in order to achieve the objectives of gaining an insight as how the stress that mothers exposed to during the first trimester has an effect over the development of anxiety related problems in terms of attention problems and hyperactivity difficulties as early as kindergarten-age children.

The Kinghaven Counseling Group is a clinic to identify, diagnose, analyze and treat many types of mental illnesses. Upon the proper processing of documents and acquiring access to patients and their historical background, the researcher will document the collected information on the spot using the proper coding and the proper forms. The significance of the study would contribute to the gap of literature regarding topics that explore the behavior of children and their academic success in studying the relation of maternal stress and anxiety related problems in their children, focusing on maternal exposure to stress during pregnancy, frequency of the stress, duration, trimester of pregnancy, and severity of the child’s disorder.

Criterion *(Score = 0, 1, 2, or 3)Learner ScoreChair ScoreMethodologist ScoreContent Expert Score
PURPOSE OF THE STUDY The purpose statement section expands on the problem statement and identifies how the study will be accomplished. It explains how the proposed study will contribute to the field. This section is summarized in Chapter 3. (Minimum two to three paragraphs)
Presents a declarative statement: “The purpose of this study is….” that identifies the research methodology and design, population, variables (quantitative) or phenomena (qualitative) to be studied and geographic location.3 I added what needed here per the comment provided3, This section has improved and I’d like to get it scored by the rest of the committee to help her narrow down and expand on the ch. 2 anch. 3. Dr. L   It starts to get weaker here. So really explain to me what you want to show me, why do this study and what are you going to prove, and how. Go slow and think about the reasons behind why you want to do this study. 2
Identifies research methodology as qualitative, quantitative, or mixed, and identifies the specific research design.3 done per comment2, repeat everything here, slowly 2
Describes the target population and geographic location for the study.33 3
Quantitative: Defines the variables, relationship of variables, or comparison of groups. Qualitative: Describes the nature of the phenomena to be explored.3 added per comment2, Go through this again and explain exactly how you intend to measure them and bring in examples for every concept and try to bring in validity, by showing it has been done elsewhere. DR. L> 2 (agree with Dr. L)
Section is written in a way that is well structured, has a logical flow, uses correct paragraph structure, uses correct sentence structure, uses correct punctuation, and uses correct APA format.22  
*Score each requirement listed in the criteria table using the following scale: 0 = Item Not Present or Unacceptable. Substantial Revisions are Required. 1 = Item is Present. Does Not Meet Expectations. Revisions are Required. 2 = Item is Acceptable. Meets Expectations. Some Revisions May be Suggested or Required. 3 = Item Exceeds Expectations. No Revisions are Required.
Reviewer Comments: The main thing here is to slow down enough to show how you think a scale on frequency and exposure and duration or intensity will help you determine an interrelationship. Then show how others have done something similar. And then explain the sample and their very detailed characteristics and how you want to query the mother. Dr. L  Agreed
Frequent Exposure to Stress During

Research Question(s)

Phenomenon. There may be an association between a mother’s exposure to stress during the first term of pregnancy and the development of mild to severe anxiety, attention difficulties, and hyperactivity related problems in children, as early as kindergarten-age. Categories such as inattentive, disruptive behavior and defying authorities are academically unacceptable and will have an impact on the child’s progress at schools.

Studies of children with attention and hyperactivity problems suggest that the appearances of low self-esteem and lack of motivational self-progress, anxiety and stress during elementary schools, if went un acknowledged during the early years, children will have to face difficulties and challenges with not only academia such as class retention and grade failings, but with peer pressure, decision making, and critical thinking as well (Edbom, Granlund, Lichtenstein & Larsson, 2008).Further research is needed to provide a clear evidence to justify the need to investigate the relationship between mother’s maternal exposure to frequent levels of stress and the appearance of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in their children as early as kindergarten-age.

According to Van den Bergh, Mulder, Mennes and Glover (2005), “an ultrasound was performed during the gestation states for a 28-30 week fetus and the study showed a disturbance of the development of the fetus.Women during pregnancy experience different types of feelings and emotions.” (p.1). This study along with other studies provides a supportive background to the writer’s proposed topic. It will be another supportive result when the writer’s proposed study gets the approval to conduct the research at the Kinghaven clinic.

The following would be the research questions in which the researcher of this phenomenon is trying to investigate using the qualitative study:

R1: How do theintensity levels[ss1] of mothers’ exposure to stress during first trimester of pregnancy, frequency and duration of stress, and severity of the children’s disorders associate with the development of anxiety, attention problems and hyperactivity difficulties in their kindergarten-age children? R2: What is the relationship between mothers’ exposure to mild-to-severe…[Buy Full Answer for Just USD 9: 35184 WORDS]


Topic: Frequent Exposure to Stress During

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