[ANSWER]NURS20150 Written Assessment:Contextual Foundations of Mental Health Nursing 

Foundations of Mental

TASK DESCRIPTION contents page, reference page and appendices. It includes in-text references and direct quotations Foundations of Mental.


Weighting: 60%

Word Count: 2500 words (+/- 10%)

Format: Essay

Word count is calculated from the first word of the introduction to the last word of the conclusion. It excludes: cover page, abstract, contents page, reference page and appendices. It includes in-text references and direct quotations Foundations of Mental.

You are required to use the American Psychological Association (APA) Abridged Guide Term 1, 2019.

You are required to use credible references to support your argument and to explore issues raised in the case study.

This assessment relates to the following Learning Outcomes:

3. Examine the historical and ongoing impact of discriminatory practices on marginalised groups within Foundations of Mental health services

4. Apply an ecological model to explore factors that contribute towards mental well-being and mental disorders


People from marginalised populations often have increased risk of mental illness and Foundations of Mental disorders compared to people from non-marginalised populations.

Bronfenbrenner’s (1979) ecological model is a useful model to explain the impact of extrinsic, or ecological levels, on a person. This diagram is adapted from Bronfenbrenner’s model.

Using Bronfenbrenner’s (1979) ecological model, explore the impact of the macrosystem and exosystem on a person and their mental health experience (their microsystem). Choose a person from a marginalised group. Examples may be a person from a non-English speaking background, a First Nations Person, an older person, or LGBTQ person. This person may be someone you have encountered in your clinical practice, a colleague, family member or friend Foundations of Mental.

Ensure you reference your discussion with relevant literature.

Key CriteriaExceeds Expectations HDExceeds Expectations DMeets Expectations CMeets Expectations PBelow Expectations FAbsent F
Completion of required task (10%)Exemplary effort. Professional approach with no or very minor gaps. Attention to detail is without fault and all requirements of task have been met. (8.5-10)Excellent effort attending to requirements of the tasks. All items demonstrate due attention to detail with some minor gaps. (7.5-8.4)Good effort attending to requirements of the task. All items demonstrate due attention to detail with some gaps that impact on presentation and understanding by the reader and/or audience. (6.5-7.4)Satisfactory effort attending to requirements of the task. Most items demonstrate due attention to detail with some gaps that impact on presentation and understanding by the reader and/or audience. (5-6.4)Submission is missing aspects of task, or task requirements have been misunderstood. (<5)Submission is missing most aspects of task. Little evidence of task requirements. (0)  
Summary of discussion (10%)Summary clearly connects all aspects of the discussion. (8.5-10)Summary mostly connects all aspects of the discussion.  (7.5-8.4)Summary connects some (but misses others) aspects of the discussion. 6.5-7.4)Although there are gaps, there are sufficient connections to aspects of the discussion.  (5-6.4)There are little or no connections between aspects of discussion.  (<5)No summary. (0)  
Analysis to form a conclusion or conjecture that explains impact ecological levels. (30%)Analysis logically assimilates evidence from multiple diverse areas to fit model structure to arrive at an explanation of impact. (25.5-30)Analysis logically assimilates evidence from multiple areas to fit model structure to arrive at an explanation of impact. (22.4-25.4) Foundations of MentalAnalysis assimilates some evidence from areas to fit model structure to arrive at an explanation of impact. (19.4-22.3)Analysis identifies and assimilates sufficient evidence from areas to fit model structure to arrive at an explanation of impact. (15 – 19.3)Analysis presents a poorly conceived and insufficient evidence to fit model structure to arrive at an inadequate explanation of impact. (<15)No analysis present. (0)
Analysis draws on mental health knowledge (30%)Mental health knowledge has been applied correctly in analysis. Expressed succinctly and with clarity showing linkages with concepts learned in the unit. (25.5-30)Mental health knowledge has been applied in analysis with only minor misunderstandings. Expressed with clarity using some linkages with concepts learned in the unit. (22.4-25.4)Mental health knowledge has been applied in analysis with only minor misunderstandings. Is mostly clear with minor misunderstanding as they relate to concepts learned in the unit. (19.4-22.3)Mental health knowledge is used in only some areas s, with some misunderstandings. Illustrates satisfactory comprehension but has some misunderstanding as they relate to concepts learned in the unit and/or it may lack some detail. (15-19.3)Foundations of Mental health knowledge is insufficiently used, and/or are incorrectly applied analysis. Illustrates unsatisfactory comprehension and has little to no relationship to concepts learned in the unit and/or is lacking greatly in detail. (<15)Mental health knowledge and skills are not present in analysis of therapeutic strategies. Inadequate linkages with concepts learned in the unit. (0)
Lessons learned through assessment (10%)At least four major ‘take home’ lessons have been expressed arising from engagement with the assessment.  (8.5-10)Three major ‘take home’ lessons have been expressed arising from engagement with the assessment. (7.5-8.4)Foundations of Mental Two major ‘take home’ lessons have been expressed arising from engagement with the assessment. (6.5 – 7.4)One major ‘take home’ lesson was expressed arising from engagement with the assessment. (5-6.4)The major ‘take home’ lesson expressed arising from engagement with the assessment was not relevant. (<5)No ‘take home’ lessons have been expressed arising from engagement with the assessment. (0)
Ability to write and present effectively (10%)Foundations of Mental Exemplary writing standard. Correct grammar, spelling and punctuation. Uses appropriate writing and referencing styles. No or very minor mistakes evident. (8.5-10)Quality of writing is of a high standard with only minor grammar, spelling, punctuation and referencing mistakes evident. (7.5-8.4)Quality of writing is of a good standard with a few grammar, spelling punctuation and referencing mistakes evident. (6.5-7.4) Foundations of MentalQuality of writing and presentation is of a satisfactory standard with quite a few grammar, punctuation, spelling and referencing mistakes evident. (5-6.4)Quality of writing and presentation is at a poor standard with many mistakes and lack of clarity evident. (<5)Little to no meaningful writing. (0)


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