[ANSWER]FLI307 First Line Interventions Assessment 2: Case Study and Post Reflection

First Line Interventions Assessment


First Line Interventions Assessment 2: Case Study and Post Reflection

The deterioration of Mary’s neurological status is likely attributable to the head injury she sustained after she was hit while trying to intervene in a brawl involving her husband and three other men. She is likely to have suffered traumatic brain injury (TBI). TBI occurs following a significant direct impact on the head (Ng & Lee, 2019). The impact may be due to fall, a blow, or a gunshot. In Mary’s case, the impact was due to the punch she received on the left side of her head while trying to stop the fight.

The impact causes the brain to move rapidly within the skull, resulting in brain damage (Prins et al., 2013). This damage is the cause of the neurological deterioration observed following TBI. The damage immediately manifests in severe headache, confusion, dizziness, seizures, nausea, blurred vision, and reduced consciousness.

While these symptoms may resolve within a few hours or days following impact, severe brain damage can lead to long-term cognitive impairment due to secondary TBI – further brain injury that occurs as a result of the primary damage (Prins et al., 2013). The altered mental state that is characteristic of brain damage following trauma is associated with the neurological changes that occur after the trauma. In TBI relating to blunt impact like in the case of Mary, damage to neuronal cells…[Buy Full Answer Of First Line Interventions Assessment for Just USD 9: 2221 WORDS]


Topic: First Line Interventions Assessment

Type: Essay

Word Count: 2221

Grade/Mark: 88 (Distinction)

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