[ANSWER]NUR2300 Written Assessment 1: Evidence-Based Practice: Falls Prevention Interventions

Falls Prevention Interventions

[ANSWER PREVIEW ON Falls Prevention Interventions]

Keying in this search phrase to PubMed returned 6,145 results. With such a high number of results, locating the needed evidence can be difficult, hence the need to narrow down the results. The first stage of filtering involves limiting the search to articles published within the last 10 years (2011-2021). Since healthcare is an ever-evolving landscape, it is imperative that health professionals integrate the latest evidence into practice (Majid et al., 2011).

This principle informed the choice of the 10-year timeline. Despite narrowing the search to literature published in the last 10 years, the number of results was still high (4,428), necessitating further filtering. In the second stage of filtering, the search was restricted to full-text, peer-reviewed journal articles published in English, specifically primary research articles (randomized clinical trials [RCTs]) and…[Buy Full Answer for Just USD 9: 1323 WORDS] [Falls Prevention Interventions]


Type: Essay

Word Count: 1323

Grade/Mark: 98 (Distinction) [Falls Prevention Interventions]
