[ANSWER]NUR2300 Assignment 2- Controlling the Community Spread of COVID-19: Are Face Masks Effective?

Face Masks

[ANSWER PREVIEW Are Face Masks Effective?]

The relevant literature was acquired using a systematic search strategy. The first phase involved defining the clinical problem. Over the last nine months, there has been a steady surge in confirmed COVID-19 cases among adults. There is a debate in the literature that wearing masks can effectively prevent human-to-human transmission of airborne illnesses in the adult population (Hafeez et al., 2020).

This debate was the basis of formulating the clinical question using the PICO format. The PICO tool is a commonly used tool for defining clinical problems that require evidence-based answers (Eriksen & Frandsen, 2018). Using this tool, the clinical question was defined as follows: in adults, is wearing a face mask effective for preventing human-to-human transmission of airborne illnesses?

The subsequent phase was listing keywords based on this question. The listed keywords were “effectiveness”, “face masks”, “adults”, “prevention”, “human to human transmission”, “airborne illnesses” and “COVID-19”. Using these keywords, the search was done on PubMed and EBSCOhost. To ensure current evidence, the search was narrowed to literature published in…[Buy Full Answer for Just USD 9: 1709 WORDS] [Face Masks ]


Type: Essay

Word Count: 1709

Grade/Mark: 99 (Distinction) [Face Masks ]
