[ANSWER] PSYC10 Short Paper 1: Explaining Availability Heuristic


Explaining Availability Heuristic

Explaining Availability Heuristic

Consumption of information about aviation accidents is a good example of how availability heuristic can affect our decision making. If you watch documentaries of notable airline accidents on National Geographic Explaining Availability Heuristic and other channels that air such films, you are likely to make judgments about aviation safety based on those documentaries.

You are likely to believe that air travel is considerably risky. You are also likely to judge air travel as riskier than other modes of transport after watching or reading news of prominent airline disasters on television or print media. For example, after extensive coverage of the Explaining Availability Heuristic 2018 Lion Air Flight 610 and the 2019 Ethiopian Airlines Flight 302 crashes, both of which involved Boeing’s 737 MAX 8 model, you are likely to start getting scared of flying, especially if the flying involves…[Buy Full Answer for Just USD 9: 1335 WORDS]


Type: Essay

Word Count: 1335

Grade/Mark: 85 (Distinction)
