[ANSWER]NURBN 1015 2320 Assessment Task 3: Applying Evidence to Practice Essay

Evidence to Practice Essay

TASK DESCRIPTION write an Evidence to Practice Essay comparing and contrasting the quality of evidence within these articles; and explain how their findings might apply to practice.

Task weighting: 45

Word limit: 1500 words (+/- 10%); intext citations are included in the word count. The reference list is not included in the word count.

Due date: Monday 9th October 2023 at 23:29hrs (Week 12)

Brief overview of task:

This assessment task requires you to build on the evidence you evaluated in Assessment Task 2.

Now that you have appraised the three articles in Task 2, please write an essay comparing and contrasting the quality of evidence within these articles; and explain how their findings might apply to practice.

Your essay should be written using an essay structure with an introduction, a body, and a conclusion.

The introduction: Should introduce any key points to be addressed in the essay and set up the context.

The body: In your discussion, compare the quality of the three articles you appraised in Task 2. Then, using these 3 articles find at least three additional articles (for a total minimum of 6 articles) to discuss the relevance of the evidence to the clinical scenario, how this evidence could be applied to nursing practice and the potential implications for people in your care in the scenario.

The conclusion: Should summarise your key points and make any recommendations or concluding remarks. No new information should be presented here.

Presentation Guidelines

  • Attach an assignment title page with Assessment task 3, Applying Evidence to Practice Essay, your name, student ID number, course code, and campus.
  • The question you have developed is to be listed as the essay heading – this is to be placed at the top of the first page of your essay (after the cover page).
  • Use Word doc format only (For those students with Mac computers, please convert to a
  • Word file equivalent). No other file types will be accepted.
  • Font size 12, normal margins, and double line spacing.
  • Your student ID and unit code e.g.: 12345678_NURBN1015, should be in the header; with page numbering in the footer e.g., page 1 of 10.
  • The file name should be the task number, your student ID and the scenario e.g., 12345678_T2_[topic name]
  • Please include a word count after your conclusion (the essay heading and reference list is not included in the word count).


The Applying Evidence to Practice Essay is to be submitted online via Moodle.

Step 1 – Complete the Applying evidence to practice essay Plagiarism Declaration. Upon completion of the declaration, the Applying evidence to practice essay Turnitin link will become accessible.

Step 2 – Submit your paper through the Applying Evidence to Practice Essay Turnitin link.

Step 3 – Check Turnitin report and make amendments to ensure your own words are used, and all references and reference list are cited as per the APA 7th referencing style.

Step 4 – Re-submit the paper after you have made amendments.

Step 5 – Congratulate yourself on completing the final assessment task for this course!


University speak helpsheet

Essay structure helpsheet

Writing an introduction helpsheet

Paraphrasing & summarising link to resources

Incorporating literature/evidence into your writing helpsheet

Marking Rubric

Criterion1 mark2 marks3 marks4 marks5 marks
Introduction   150 wordsNo introduction or introduction is rambling and unfocused or introduction is incompleteIntroduction too long or too short. Some material in introduction belongs in main text. Focus and/or scope unclearIntroduction states the topic. Scope and context of paper could be clearer. Appropriate length.Interesting introduction to topic. Scope and context of paper clearly defined.The broad context of the essay is clear. Key ideas are introduced and defined. Content of text sign-posted.
Body Comparison of Evidence QualityStruggles to compare and contrast the quality of evidence within the three articles.Has difficulty in effectively comparing and contrasting the quality of evidence within the three articles.Effectively compares and contrasts the quality of evidence within the three articles.Evidence to Practice EssayExtensively compares and contrasts the quality of evidence within the three articles.Compares and contrasts the quality of evidence within the three articles in a nuanced and detailed manner, demonstrating deep critical thinking skills.
Body Comparison of Evidence QualityPoor understanding of research methodologies and the assessment of evidence quality is evidentDemonstrates a limited understanding of research methodologies with key oversights in the assessment of evidence qualityA clear basic understanding of research methodologies is evident, but there are minor oversights in the assessment of evidence quality.A very clear understanding of research methodologies and assessment of evidence quality is evident.Demonstrates a comprehensive understanding of research methodologies and assessment of evidence quality.
Body Application to PracticeStruggles to explain how the findings of the articles might apply to practice. Limited understanding of evidence- based practice and lacks demonstration of reflective practice skills.Explains how the findings of the articles might apply to practice but with some difficulty. Basic understanding of evidence-based practice is demonstrated, and reflective practice skills are inconsistently evident.Effectively explains how the findings of the articles might apply to practice. Clear understanding of evidence- based practice is demonstrated, and reflective practice skills are evident.Evidence to Practice EssayProvides a clear, deep explanation of how the findings of the articles might apply to practice. Thorough understanding of evidence- based practice and reflective practice skills are demonstrated.Superbly explains how the findings of the articles might apply to practice. Demonstrates a deep understanding of evidence- based practice and reflective practice skills. The explanation shows an exceptional evaluation of systematic inquiry in nursing.
Body Considers implications for the residents/people receiving careDoes not include person centred implications.Limited person centered implications that are not clearly relevant to the scenario. .General person centred implications with some relevance to the scenario included.Person centred implications that are relevant to the scenario included.Person centred implications that are highly relevant to the scenario included.
Conclusion 150 wordsIncomplete or inaccurate summary of the main points of the essay.Limited summary of the main points of the essay.Provides an accurate summary of the main points of the essay.Provides a well-constructed and accurate summary of the main points of the essay.An excellent summary of main points of the essay.
Referencing Follows APA style (7thed.). 6 or more references no earlier than 2013 to ensure up to date and best practice included. Use of only primary research as sources.Either no evidence of literature being consulted or use of irrelevant, old sources. Omission or major errors in reference list.Discussion is poorly supported by evidence from the literature with poor integration of in-text citations. Minor errors in reference list and in text Evidence to Practice EssayDiscussion is supported by evidence from the literature with in-text citations that are integrated in a limited way. . Mostly adhered to APA style (7th ed.) with minor errors either in text or reference list.Discussion is well supported by evidence from the literature with in-text citations that are well integrated. Adherence to APA style (7th ed.) with minor errors in text or reference list.Discussion is very well supported by evidence from the literature with in-text citations that are integrated seamlessly. Adherence to APA style (7th ed.) with no errors in text or reference list.
Ability to articulate information
in students’ own words
Evidence of plagiarism.Poor paraphrasing with too much reliance on words verbatim from literature.
Needs assistance to avoid deliberate plagiarism.
Some problems with paraphrasing and expressing ideas from the literature.Mainly uses own words to express ideas – very good level of summary and
paraphrasing. No evidence of plagiarism.
Uses own word s to discuss ideas from the literature. No evidence of plagiarism.
Presentation of assignment Submission follows requirements. Clarity of expression (accuracy, spelling, grammar, punctuation).
Correct formatting used.
Cohesive writing
Disorganised; Meaning unclear and/ grammar and spelling contain frequent errors.
Writing lacks coherence.
Shows some attempt to organise in a logical manner. Meaning apparent but language not always fluent or clear. Grammar and/or spelling contains errors.
Limited evidence of a coherent piece
of writing.Evidence to Practice Essay
Shows organisation and coherence. Language mainly clear and fluent. Grammar and spelling overall accurate. Some evidence of a coherent piece of writing.Carefully and logically organised. Language fluent. Grammar and spelling accurate.
Mostly clear evidence of a coherent piece of writing.
Shows a polished and imaginative approach to the writing. Fluent writing style. Grammar and spelling accurate. Clear evidence of a coherent piece of writing.


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