[ANSWER]Evidence-Based Medicine: Ethics Issues
Title: Evidence-Based Medicine
These are the questions that need to be answered in the 5 pages. (Label all the questions) Each answer should have citations
- If physicians and hospitals are committed to their patients’ well-being, what values underlie and support the resistance to consistently executing evidence-based medicine?
- Does physician commitment to maintaining their professional autonomy pose too great a challenge for those who would limit their individual discretion by requiring adherence to evidence-based medicine?
- If so, could the health care reforms that link financial incentives to compliance with evidence-based medicine help make the system changes that are needed?
- Are penalties ethically justifiable for lapses in adherence to evidence-based medicine?
- Is there an equally shared ethical obligation of physicians to follow clinical practice guidelines and of patients to follow treatment regimens and comply with physicians’ orders and recommendations?
The paper should analyze the ethical controversies facing the healthcare industry today. The group should obtain the relevant facts for each topic from a variety of perspectives using the materials and website links from the online student manual. The use of other scholarly resources are also acceptable. Groups should incorporate this information into the group analysis of the theoretical concepts from this course’s textbook. The questions in the topic description are intended to aid you and your group in your analysis. It is not necessary to answer all of the questions, rather you should use them as a guide for your analysis.
Physician commitment to maintaining professional autonomy poses a major threat or challenge to the experts who might choose Evidence-Based Medicine to limit their discretion by requiring adhering to evidence-based medicine.
In its raw nature, autonomy allows a physician to act in accordance to his or her professional knowledge base (Mechanic, 2008). This is regardless of whether the choices they make are constructive or destructive. In any case, physicians are human and thus they are prone to error.
Professional autonomy is all about being independent and also self-directing in the process of making decisions (Rosoff, 2001). When physicians are self-directing, they can offer the interventions that they deem suitable to patients without consultations. In most cases, doctors who choose to adopt autonomy yearn to get away from the hassles of evidence-based medicine.
They want an easy way through the healthcare delivery process. Again, it is not a must that all healthcare services should be backed up by evidence. Autonomy serves different Evidence-Based Medicine setups within the healthcare industry. For instance, it gives physicians the right to exercise their judgment as they deem fit during the execution of their mandate. In that…[Buy Full Answer for Just USD 9: 1865 WORDS]
Type: Essay
Word Count: 1865
Grade/Mark: 87 (Distinction)