[ANSWER]Case Narrative: Application of Ethical and Legal Principles to Case Scenarios


Ethical and Legal Principles

Application of Ethical and Legal Principles

These moral, Ethical and Legal Principles and professional standards were not complied with in this case. The family of the organ donor had clearly requested not to be identified only to be approached by the family of the organ receiver during the funeral of the donor to thank them for their lifesaving decision. This is a breach of privacy and confidentiality. The only situations where such a breach is excusable is when the individual’s or the public’s safety would be in danger if certain information about the individual is not disclosed (Beltran-Aroca et al., 2016).

For example, when an individual is unconscious and doctors need certain medical information to treat the individual, they can obtain the individual’s health information without their consent. Additionally, if an individual has a serious infectious illness that warrants warning the public, the expectation of privacy and confidentiality can be bypassed for public safety reasons. In this case, neither of these exemptions apply: keeping the organ donor’s family identity in confidence as requested would not have harmed anyone.

Hence, the family’s decision to pursue legal action [ Ethical and Legal Principles] against the health service is justified. It should be noted that breaches of patient privacy and confidentiality can occur inadvertently. For example, talking about patients in elevators, hallways and other public spaces, or in phone conversations can result in unintentional disclosure of their personal information (Beltran-Aroca et al., 2016). Such breaches are also covered under the privacy and confidentiality duty. In other words, healthcare professionals are expected to uphold patient…[Buy Full Answer for Just USD 9: 2475 WORDS]


Type: Essay

Word Count: 2475

Grade/Mark: 87 (Distinction)
