[ANSWER]PUBH6002 Assignment 1 Report – Environmental Risk Assessment: Solid Waste Management and Public Health in Australia
Environmental Risk
In accordance with WHO’s (1999) DPSEEA framework, forces that exert pressure on the environment ultimately expose humans to health risks. Landfills emit several gaseous substances that pollute the air, such as methane and carbon dioxide (Klymenko, 2018).Environmental Risk
Though evidence in this area is mixed, research has suggested that due to air pollution, communities that live near landfills face greater health hazards than those who live farther away from them, with children and the elderly being the most affected (Saffron et al., 2003; Vrijheid, 2000). Respiratory illness (e.g., coughing and wheezing), cardiovascular illness, cancer (e.g., lung and liver cancers), defects in foetal development, and birth complications (e.g., premature birth and low birth weight) are among the major health risks presented by living near a landfill.
Other health problems that tend to have a marked prevalence among residents living near landfills include eye irritation, skin rashes, headaches, and fatigue. Further public health risks as a result of landfills stem from water and soil contamination. Through leaching, surface and groundwater near landfills can become contaminated with the numerous hazardous substances found in landfills (ABS, 2013), such…[Buy Full Answer for Just USD 9: 1836 WORDS]
Environmental Risk
Type: Essay
Word Count: 1836
Grade/Mark: 89 (Distinction)