[ANSWER]NURBN3022 Assessment Task 2 – Literature Review: Effectiveness of Intentional Rounding in Enhancing Patient Satisfaction with Nursing Care: A Systematic Review


Enhancing Patient Satisfaction | Assessment Task 2

Enhancing Patient Satisfaction

At the core of IR is the philosophy of patient-centredness. As the name suggests, patient-centred care is care that puts the patient at the centre [ Enhancing Patient Satisfaction ] (Harris et al., 2017). It is care in which the patient comes first. Patient-centredness means that every aspect of care is purposely tailored to the unique needs and background of the patient. IR is one of the helpful interventions for promoting patient-centred care.

The process pays attention to aspects such as patient comfort, personal needs assessment (e.g., toileting needs), pain assessment, and environmental assessment (e.g., fall hazards and room temperature) (Sims et al., 2018). Through IR, nurses also check whether the patient’s personal items are easily reachable and whether they have any concerns they need addressed (Doyle et al., 2013).

As evident from studies conducted in diverse social contexts and clinical settings, this patient-centredness has important implications for patients’ experience of care (Brosey & March, 2014; Brosinski & Riddell, 2020; Cody & Williams-Reed, 2018; Kline & McNett, 2019; Negarandeh et al., 2014).   IR contributes enhancing patient satisfaction with nursing care by improving nurse-patient communication, a benefit that helps in addressing patient anxiety (Mitchell et al., 2014). In the absence of IR, nurses check on…[Buy Full Answer for Just USD 9: 3034 WORDS]


Type: Essay

Word Count: 3034

Grade/Mark: 83 (Distinction)
