[ANSWER] Empowerment and the Social Determinants of Health SMP

Empowerment the Social Determinants of Health SMP
A firm support of the argument of this paper requires a prerequisite understanding of the characteristics of community empowerment that addresses the social determinants of health in a community setting. According to Laverack (2009, pp.60-68), there is a set of nine features of community empowerment. These ‘domains’ include community participation, problem assessment capacities, local leadership, organisational structures, resource mobilisation, links to other organisations and people, and the ability to ‘ask why’ (critical awareness, community control over programme management, and an equitable relationship with external agents).
It is only through participation in groups that the individual members of a community can act on the social determinants of health that specifically affect them. In this manner, group participation is used in addressing the particular social determinants of health that affect a community. On the same note, organisational structures in the community encompass the processes that bring people together not only to socialise, but also address their health concerns and issues. It is also important to note that community empowerment assumes that the entire aspect of problem assessment is carried out through identification and solutions.
Chapman (2004, pp.361-365) notes that the ‘domains approach’ is focused on giving power to the powerless, especially since it is presumed that they hold a better understanding of the social and economic factors affecting their health and well-being. Besides, the prerequisites believed to necessitate health and well-being improvement such as shelter, food, peace, education, and income are better understood by..[Buy Full Answer Of Empowerment the Social Determinants for Just USD 9: 2421 WORDS]
Topic: Empowerment the Social Determinants
Type: Essay.
Word Count: 2421
Grade/Mark: 87 (Distinction)