[ANSWER]Research for Nursing and Midwifery Poster: Effectiveness of Relaxation Therapy in Postoperative Pain Management
[ANSWER PREVIEW on Effectiveness of Relaxation Therapy]
To address this concern, the use of non-pharmacological interventions is increasingly becoming commonplace (Kidanemariam et al., 2020). One such intervention is relaxation therapy. Relaxation therapy refers to a range of physical and psychological interventions aimed at reducing muscle tension and stress as well as controlling pain (Tang et al., 2019). Such interventions include guided imagery, deep breathing, meditation, music therapy, massage, and muscle relaxation (Ju et al., 2019).
Relaxation therapy has been shown to be a useful non-pharmacological intervention for management of acute pain (Kidanemariam et al., 2020; Tang et al., 2019). In the context of postoperative care, research has found that relaxation therapy has beneficial effects on pain relief (Ju et al., 2019). However, research on this topic remains scarce, warranting more scholarly attention.
There is particularly paucity of research comparing the effectiveness of relaxation therapy and pharmacological interventions for the management of acute postoperative pain. More research in this area is important because the use of non-pharmacological interventions…[Buy Full Answer for Just USD 9: 1766 WORDS]
Type: Essay
Word Count: 1766
Grade/Mark: 93 (Distinction)