[ANSWER]SOCA321 Assignment 3 Research Project: Effectiveness of Acupuncture in Treating Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Sexually Assaulted Women: A Research Project
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Effectiveness of Acupuncture
Experimental studies, which are widely regarded as the gold standard of research in terms of demonstrating cause-and-effect relationships between two or more variables, have also shown the effectiveness of acupuncture in PSTD management. In one randomised controlled trial (RCT), researchers compared the efficacy of paroxetine and acupuncture in treating PSTD (Wang et al., 2012).
Involving 138 earthquake victims drawn from a Chinese setting, the trial found that the group treated with acupuncture had stronger improvements in PTSD symptoms than the group treated with paroxetine. On their part, Hollifield et al. (2007) compared the effectiveness of CBT and acupuncture in treating PTSD. At both the end of the intervention period and at three-month follow-up, acupuncture and CBT were found to be nearly equally efficacious in reducing PSTD symptoms.
The effectiveness of acupuncture in treating PTSD has also been shown in systematic reviews of RCTs. One such review is a review authored by Kim et al. (2013), which concluded that whereas research on this topic is still inconclusive, acupuncture is a considerable alternative for Western approaches for PTSD management. In particular, the review found that acupuncture had nearly the same effect sizes as CBT and antidepressants with respect to reducing PTSD symptoms..[Buy Full Answer for Just USD 9: 2467 WORDS]
Type: Essay
Word Count: 2467
Grade/Mark: 99 (Distinction)