[ANSWER]PSYC10 Short Paper 3: Addressing Misinformation on Social Media: Can Digital Nudges Help?

Digital Nudges

[ANSWER PREVIEW on Digital Nudges]

The spread of misinformation on social media is one domain where the operation of these cognitive biases is evident. When people social media users come across information that confirms their preexisting beliefs, they are likely to share it without further deliberation. For example, if a person who believes the coronavirus is a faux comes across a post or an article on social media promoting anti-vaccination views, the person is likely to share the article even when there is overwhelming evidence that the virus is real.

Similarly, if an American comes across an article saying that Islamic terrorism is the biggest security threat the country faces, they are likely to share the article as the truth even when it is known that mass shootings are a far much greater threat. The inherent nature of social media makes it more likely that people will…[Buy Full Answer for Just USD 9: 1426 WORDS]


Type: Essay

Word Count: 1426

Grade/Mark: 87 (Distinction)
