[ANSWER]NUR350 Assessment 2: Delegation Plan 1
[ANSWER PREVIEW ON Delegation Plan 1]
Delegation Plan 1:] Being an enrolled nurse (EN) who has worked in Ward 2S for the past 20 years, and considering her remarkable familiarity with the hospital, Binsa is well placed to respond to Bianca’s IV pump alarm. The National Law, together with Standard 3.1 of the Enrolled Nurse Standards for Practice (NMBA 2016b) and guidelines of the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (2019), requires ENs to act within their scope of practice.[Delegation Plan 1]
In this context, checking Bianca’s IV pump is a task that falls within Binsa’s scope of practice as an EN. As per hospital policy, the only nursing task she is barred from undertaking is administering medication. What is more, as ENs in Australia assume an increasingly expanded scope of practice due to factors such as RN shortage (Jacob et al..[Buy Full Answer for Just USD 9: 1309 WORDS]
Type: Essay
Word Count: 1309
Grade/Mark: 90 (Distinction)