[ANSWER]Part B Essay – Evidence-Based Practice to De-escalate Aggressive Behaviour in Mental Health: Implications for Nursing Practice
De-escalate Aggressive Behaviour
The case study patient, hereby referred to as Mrs A, is a 32-year-old female patient admitted to the hospital for substance abuse. The patient has a history of de-escalate Aggressive Behaviour. On her first day of admission, she was very aggressive and tried to hit one of the staff members. It was not the first time she had visited the hospital, so she was known to some of the staff.
Staff who had interacted with her during previous visits recalled that she often presented as a very aggressive patient. She usually does not want to be attended to by male staff. Due to her aggression on the first day of admission, it was recommended that student nurses avoid going to her room. When the nurse went to see her in her room the following day, her mood was fairly good during the day; in the evening, however, the nurse found her very upset.
When the nurse sought to know why she was upset, the patient said she wanted to go for shopping. The nurse explained to her she could not do that at that time, after which she started yelling at the nurse. In most cases, the patient’s de-escalate Aggressive Behaviour occurred…[Buy Full Answer for Just USD 9: 2021 WORDS]
Type: Essay
Word Count: 2021
Grade/Mark: 83 (Distinction)