[ANSWER]Psychology Paper: Effect of Dance on the Psychological Wellbeing of the Elderly

Dance on the Psychological Wellbeing

[ANSWER PREVIEW ON Effect of Dance on the Psychological Wellbeing]

Dance on the Psychological Wellbeing Several studies have focused specifically on psychological well-being. In their experimental study, which involved 30 older adults recruited from a dance school, Vaccaro et al. (2019) demonstrated that a six-month dance program had a positive impact on not only the participants’ physical and cognitive health but also their psychological health. In particular, the experimental group depicted a significant anxiety reduction.

Ho et al. (2020) carried out a randomized controlled (RCT) of 204 older adults with clinically diagnosed mild dementia in an attempt to examine the psychological effects of dance. Following 12 weeks of intervention, the experimental group showed considerable declines in negative mood, loneliness, and depression. In a different study, Bungay et al. (2020) found that a 12-week dance program that involved a total of 64 dance sessions targeted at elderly patients in an acute hospital setting had a positive effect on mood.

It appears that dance can have positive psychological effects on elderly persons with and without underlying psychological, cognitive, and physiological disorders.   Despite the potential benefits of dance in terms of psychological well-being in the elderly, however, these benefits remain contested. In one mixed-method study of community-living individuals aged 50 and above, there were no…[Buy Full Answer for Just USD 9: 2375 WORDS][Dance on the Psychological Wellbeing]

[SOLUTION DESCRIPTION] [Dance on the Psychological Wellbeing]

Type: Essay

Word Count: 2375

Grade/Mark: 97 (Distinction) [Dance on the Psychological Wellbeing]
