[ANSWER]Assignment 3 Reflective Essay: Cultural Identity and Health Equity in Indigenous Australians

Cultural Identity and Health Equity


Cultural Identity and Health Equity in Indigenous Australians

Broadly speaking, culture is what defines a given group of people. It denotes the values, beliefs, and traditions shared by a community or population (Verbunt et al., 2021). Culture has such a strong influence on a people’s way of life that it is the basis of their worldviews, emotions, and behaviours. In other words, culture shapes virtually everything about a certain group of people, including their understanding of health and wellbeing. This is especially true for Indigenous Australians.

According to the first National Aboriginal Health Strategy, Indigenous Australians see health not just as “the physical wellbeing of an individual but…the social, emotional, and cultural wellbeing of the whole community” (cited in Gee et al., 2014, p. 56). This means that Indigenous Australians view health and wellbeing from a holistic, whole-of-life perspective (Schultz et al., 2019). Dissimilar to non-Indigenous Australians, Indigenous Australians consider themselves to be in good health not merely when there is absence of physical illness, but when they perceive a strong connection to family and kinship, community, culture, spirituality and ancestors, land and country, as well as mind and emotions (Gee et al., 2014).

An understanding of this cultural identity is crucial to ensure healthcare policy and practice that reflects the cultural needs of Indigenous Australians. Regrettably, in spite of policy initiatives such as Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations and the National Strategic Framework for Aboriginal People’s Mental Health…[Buy Full Answer Of Cultural Identity and Health Equity for Just USD 9: 2317 WORDS]

Cultural Identity and Health Equity


Topic : Cultural Identity and Health Equity

Type: Essay

Word Count: 2317

Grade/Mark: 93 (Distinction)

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