[ANSWER]Assessment 1 and 2 – Waste Management in the Perioperative Environment: An Evidence-Based Critique of Western Health’s Waste Management Policy
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[ANSWER PREVIEW]WH’s waste management policy – dubbed Waste Minimization, Segregation Critique of Western Health
WH’s waste management policy – dubbed Waste Minimization, Segregation Critique of Western Health, Handling and Storage Procedures – clearly identifies the broader goals of the policy in relation to patient safety and environmental sustainability. More specifically, the policy seeks to “protect public health and safety”, “provide a safe work environment”, and to “minimize the environmental impact of waste generation”. These objectives are reiterated in many of the articles reviewed here. One of the key reasons for ensuring effective waste management in the OR is to reduce the risk of infection that can occur due to poor handling of the waste generated in this setting (Dönmeh et al., 2019).
In terms of environmental sustainability, Wyssusek et al. (2019) identifies waste generation in the perioperative environment as a problem that considerably contributes to environmental pollution. This is largely because of the widespread use of disposable medical supplies such as syringes, sponges, drapes, and gloves (Cordray et al., 2010). Additionally, gaseous forms of waste, particularly Critique of Western Health waste anesthetic gas, contribute to air pollution in the OR (MacNeill, Lillywhite & Brown, 2017). Allusion to patient safety and environmental sustainability concerns is one of the major strengthens of the organization’s waste…: [Buy Full Answer for Just USD 9: 1892 WORDS]
Type: Essay
Word Count: 1892
Grade/Mark: 87 (Distinction)