[ANSWER]Assignment 3: Critique of a Research Report
Critique of a Research Report Assignment 3
Radecki et al. (2018) sought to understand how patients in an acute care setting view their risk for falling and the measures implemented in the care setting to minimize this risk. From the introduction of the article, it is evident that this is a significant research problem, not only because of the considerable prevalence of falls in the care setting, but also because of limited scholarly attention to this topic.
With reference to previous research on the topic, the authors of the article clearly inform the reader that while extant scholarly literature provides insights on the perspectives of patients on fall prevention measures in community settings, there is little scholarly attention to acute care settings and to the specific interventions implemented to prevent or minimize fall risk.
These two gaps were the basis of the study by Radecki et al. (2018), with the researchers noting that attention to these gaps is vital for enhancing fall prevention in the acute care setting. A critical hallmark of a good research report is clear identification of the research problem and justification of its significance (Creswell, 2014). Radecki et al. (2018) have done well in this regard.
Conceptual Framework Nonetheless, there is no explicit statement of the conceptual framework that underpinned the research. A conceptual framework clarifies the theoretical basis of a study (Creswell, 2014). For Radecki et al.’s (2018) study, however, such a basis is not straightforwardly evident. This is not unusual given the qualitative nature of the study. Dissimilar to quantitative studies, qualitative studies normally do not begin with the formulation of hypotheses based on well established theories and then collecting data to confirm or disconfirm those hypotheses; instead, qualitative studies focus…[Buy Full Answer Of Critique of a Research Report for Just USD 9: 2802 WORDS]
Topic: Critique of a Research Report Assignment 3
Type: Essay
Word Count: 2802
Grade/Mark: 92 (Distinction)