[ANSWER]Assignment 4: Script and Critical Reflexive Practice
Script and Critical Reflexive Practice
Owing to their unique culture, communicating with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders can be difficult for social workers who do not have an Indigenous background. Indigenous Australians have a culture that emphasises such communicative aspects as rapport building, trust, openness, as well as respectful and active listening (Dudgeon & Ugle, 2014; Miller, 2014; Queensland Government, 2015; Stronach & Adair, 2014). Without communicating with Indigenous Australians in a culturally safe manner, social workers risk not achieving the desired outcomes when working with these clients.
I feel that using culturally appropriate language when communicating with an Indigenous person is challenging for a social worker from a different cultural background. It is not something that comes easily even when one has learned about culturally safe communication when interacting with Indigenous clients. To communicate effectively with these clients, one has to have an understanding of their own cultural background and that of Indigenous people. All the same, I feel I have made considerable progress in this area. I am now better placed to use the language in the above script in…[Buy Full Answer Of Script and Critical Reflexive Practice for Just USD 9: 1773 WORDS]
Topic: Script and Critical Reflexive Practice
Type: Essay
Word Count: 1773
Grade/Mark: 96 (Distinction)