[ANSWER]Essay Critical Reflection Scenario-Based Essay: Improving Workplace Communication and Culture Through Leadership

Critical Reflection


Critical Reflection: An especially important part of workplace culture in the healthcare context relates to patient safety. Patient safety is such a crucial aspect of workplace culture in this context that the National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards published by the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care (2017) extensively reiterate the significance of structures and systems at the organisational and clinical levels to guarantee patient safety. Key to achieving this is cultivating a ‘no blame’ culture at the healthcare workplace. A ‘no blame’ culture is a culture in which patient safety is recognised as a collective as opposed to an individual responsibility (Parker & Davies, 2020)(Critical Reflection).

In such a culture, individuals are not reprimanded or punished for errors or near-misses that compromised or could have compromised patient safety (Gorini et al., 2012. Instead, they are encouraged to report them for the interest of patient safety. The usefulness of a blame-free culture in promoting patient safety has been widely documented in scholarly literature (Brborovic et al., 2019; Chegini et al., 2020; Gorini et al., 2012).    Establishing and maintaining a strong culture at the workplace in the healthcare context calls for effective leadership. Two leadership styles…[Buy Full Answer for Just USD 9: 1964 WORDS]

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Type: Essay

Word Count: 1964

Grade/Mark: 83 (Distinction)

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