[ANSWER]Essay Critical Reflection Scenario-Based Essay- Implementation of the Electronic Medical Record System in a Hospital: A Leadership and Change Management Perspective

Critical Reflection Scenario


Critical Reflection Scenario: Having an effective change plan is good, but the plan can only translate to the intended results if there is effective leadership to implement it. In other words, effective leadership is crucial if the NUM is to lead the transition to the EMR system successfully. Palabindala et al. (2016) observe that this transition may turn out to be problematic if effective leadership is not in place. One leadership style that the NUM can employ to ensure optimal outcomes is transformational leadership. A transformational leader is a leader who creates an inspiring vision for organisational change in collaboration with followers (Lin et al., 2015).

The leader challenges followers to be creative, motivates them to put their best fruit forth, purposely attends to their needs and concerns, and models the expected behaviour. This empowers followers and causes them to have a strong sense of collective identity (Choi et al., 2016)(Critical Reflection Scenario). Transformational leadership can be especially appropriate for managing change as it emphasises strong collaboration between the leader and followers. If the EMR system is to be successfully adopted, the NUM ought to consider staff members as key partners in the change process, invite their input to it, and motivate them to support it. An…[Buy Full Answer for Just USD 9: 2028 WORDS]

[Critical Reflection Scenario: DESCRIPTION]

Type: Essay

Word Count: 2028

Grade/Mark: 82 (Distinction)

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