[ANSWER]Essay Critical Analysis Essay of a Case Study- Professional Conduct in Nursing: A Case Study

Critical Analysis Essay of Case Study
As determined by the coronial inquiry, the death of Patient A is attributable to deficiencies in professional behaviour on the part of nurses caring for him on the day he took his own life. Part of professional behaviour in clinical practice is ensuring patient safety at all times. Attention to patient safety is extensively emphasised in the NSQHS standards (Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care [ACSQHC], 2018). For RNs in particular, Standard 6 of the Registered Nurses Standards for Practice requires observance of high standards of care quality and patient safety (NMBA, 2017). RN Pandya’s conduct is not consistent with this standard.
Not only did he leave a vulnerable patient without close observation as required, he ended his shift at Bungarribee House without informing the team leader, failed to do a proper handover of the patient, failed to make the require behavioural observations of the patient, and failed to keep the expected clinical notes (Paul et al., 2017). Under the Practitioner Regulation National Law (NSW) No 86a, health professionals have a duty…[Buy Full Answer Of Critical Analysis Essay of Case Study for Just USD 9: 1750 WORDS]
Critical Analysis Essay of a Case Study
Topic: Critical Analysis Essay of Case Study
Type: Essay
Word Count: 1750
Grade/Mark: 81 (Distinction)