[ANSWER]Assignment 1: Consumer Journey and Narratives Analysis: A Case Study


Consumer Journey

Consumer Journey and Narratives Analysis

Patient X is a 29-year-old male Caucasian who was diagnosed with alcohol dependence in January 2020. He grew up in a middle-income family and had a fairly comfortable and healthy life – physically, psychologically and socially – while growing up. He took to alcohol consumption [ Consumer Journey] when he joined university for his undergraduate studies, a behaviour he retained into his working life as a banker.

However, he was generally an average drinker, mostly taking a low to moderate amount of alcohol during the weekends or his free time. Towards the end of 2017, however, Patient X’s drinking behaviour deteriorated after losing his long-time girlfriend, whom they met in campus, to endometrial cancer. He described the event as the most devastating event he has ever experienced in his life. He is yet to come to terms with the loss…[Buy Full Answer for Just USD 9: 1354 WORDS]


Type: Essay

Word Count: 1354

Grade/Mark: 95 (Distinction)
