[ANSWER]NUR350 Concepts of Nursing 3: Assessment Task 1
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The Medication Safety Standard is informed by the far-reaching implications medications can have for patients, clinicians, healthcare organisations, and the health system at large Concepts of Nursing 3. The ACSQHC reports that medication-related errors account for 2-3% of all hospital admissions in Australia, with up to 12% of patients in the country experiencing an adverse event associated with medication every year. These events cost the country’s healthcare system approximately $1.2 billion annually. This is why the Medication Safety Standard advocates for robust governance systems in healthcare organisations to ensure medication safety. Professional Experience Placements provide student nurses with practical opportunities to meet the expectations of the Medication…[Buy Full Answer for Just USD 9: 1029 WORD
Type: Essay
Word Count: 1029
Grade/Mark: 96 (Distinction)
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